Example sentences of "[vb mod] also have " in BNC.

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1 There must also have been readers who were led to reflect on Othello 's self-righteous murder of Desdemona , and to reflect that Shakespeare 's play expresses a view of mixed marriages which is both encouraging and discouraging .
2 Readers can be expected to spot which of these quotations are forgeries , and they must also have doubted in their time whether this writer was as good as the early tributes made out .
3 The public clearly believed that this ‘ restoration ’ would enhance the building 's interest despite destroying an historic element ; he must also have felt that a new timber framed facade , despite its inauthenticity , would give the pub an ‘ historic ’ character that was more readily recognisable and instantly attractive to potential customers .
4 And ballet must also have short phrase rhythms which will give it variety , dimension , mass , structure , texture and style .
5 The company 's satisfaction with labour relations at Bridgend in South Wales must also have been a factor in the decision to build a £750m engine plant there .
6 For example , if the Bushmen of the Kalahari , who live by hunting and gathering , accord a high status to women this , it was assumed , must also have been true of the hunters and gatherers of prehistoric times .
7 The proximity of the university quarter and the Ecole des Beaux Arts must also have had an effect , especially since the new lot of teachers were often not much older than their daytime pupils .
8 She must also have been quite a handful judging by Coward 's ironic telegram to a Broadway manager requesting 58 per cent of the gross for the task of restraining her from being ‘ Grock , Beatrice Lillie , Theda Bara , Mary Pickford and Bert Lahr all at once . ’
9 A place for life to exist must also have liquid water on its surface ; and in this , temperature is only one consideration .
10 And Russia must also have its share of design disasters where equipment fails to perform properly in service .
11 There needs to be a recognition that appeals for aid must also have spin-off for the company concerned if the appeal is likely to succeed .
12 Any fee charged for registering a marked dog must also have some immediately obvious benefit to the general public .
13 Of course since the shielings were here to provide summer grazing for their cattle , the villages must also have echoed to people splashing about in mud and dung , and laments of , ‘ Dad , I hate these smelly big things .
14 Susceptible as Hardy was to intense emotional experience — one of his earliest memories was of being moved to tears by his father playing the violin — and to pretty girls , Emma 's attraction for him must also have rested in the circumstances of their meeting in a wild and beautiful setting , and in their mutual loneliness .
15 There are also two paths , d and e , in figure 13.7 which represent the other unspecified causes ; all variables in a model which have causal paths leading to them must also have arrows reminding us of the proportion unpredicted by the model .
16 His increasing literary output must also have been making him and his views known to the public .
17 The French high command must also have known for some time , but hushed it up no doubt . ’
18 If someone has , then they must also have some interest in our interest .
19 Many common passerine species must also have increased their downland ranges as a result of the slow advance of scrub and woodland over the remaining grass , and probably the downland avifauna is more varied today than in 1939 despite losing its characteristic and most interesting specialities .
20 Green must also have been helped by the growing availability of good water colour paints as only towards the end of the 18th century could amateurs easily obtain made up colours .
21 The lamp must also have a starter to heat the electrodes to a temperature where they begin to emit electrons .
22 What we learn in these areas must also have bearing on our understanding of the nucleation and growth of crystals in glass ceramics , photochromic glasses and other heterogeneous systems .
23 There must also have been a great number of ferns , lycopods and horsetails existing as understorey plants but also isolated in dense swards , There was not the wide-scale domination of conifers hinted by Benton which somewhat invokes a picture of foodless dark plantation-style forests .
24 You must also have a rent book , if you pay rent weekly , as proof of your financial transactions .
25 ‘ You tricked my poor brother into it , Sarah , and I fear you must also have squandered his money . ’
26 However , ultraviolet radiation must also have aided evolution .
27 The system must also have a structure such as an ordered set of channels through which the energy can be directed .
28 As a consequence the dinosaurs that preyed on them must also have grown bigger .
29 Since we know galaxies and stars do exist , such primordial density fluctuations must also have existed .
30 Cattle theft must also have brought about a measure of loss equal to the gain of those who profited .
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