Example sentences of "[vb mod] also be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It must also be noted that the computer systems generate information and it is how this information is used that influences the returns on the total package .
2 ‘ Users must also be encouraged to recognise the difference between a reception problem and a computer problem .
3 The householder makes the application and he/she must also be elderly .
4 The rear guard hand must also be carried forwards ; allowing it to rest against the rib cage is a hold-over from basic technique which has no place in competition .
5 For elderly people , there must also be concern that emphasis on reducing waiting times by contracting for services non-locally will impose serious hardship on those unable or unwilling to travel .
6 Since Fokine showed that dancers must also be able to act if they are to live out the story or theme , very few choreographers have used the almost static scènes d'action which stop the flow of dance .
7 The courtesies must also be exchanged between couples in a group dance .
8 They must also be performed and co-ordinated with the occupational gestures that belong to the location and that are employed by the particular inhabitants whose story , with its moods , emotions and actions , is being told .
9 This means that natural emotional expression must also be folded into the design .
10 Muddle over trades union legislation must also be cleared up .
11 So there must be a voltage control unit to cut the power supply if the voltage fails , and these units must also be tested .
12 Liberal commitment to free speech must also be tested in this way , lest it become an unthinking orthodoxy — a mere article of faith .
13 The East German crisis — or should one say simply the German crisis ? — is thus essentially a political crisis , and the answers to it , if there are answers , must also be political .
14 Beaverbrook insisted that the volume of traffic must also be under international control ; this Berle vigorously opposed .
15 But road conditions for travelling teams must also be taken into account , and for this reason a decision on whether the match will go ahead will be taken on Thursday February 14 ) at 12 noon .
16 • With all treatments that are designed to improve the mood or feelings of a patient , the placebo effect must also be considered .
17 That sign must also be no more than half a square metre in area and all signs should be removed within two weeks of a sale being completed .
18 Steve Nicol will be back in the defence today , but Dalglish must also be concerned about his strikers .
19 Steve Nicol should be back in the defence today , but Dalglish must also be concerned about his strikers .
20 A rapid growth of the home market must also be ensured .
21 For there to be a Europe-wide common standard of emissions , there must also be a common standard for fuel , as some types of fuel smoke worse than others .
22 Nonetheless , the Maritime school accept that our forces should be deployed primarily to support the First and Second Pillars , but argue that they must also be given the strategic mobility , equipment , and training to continue Britain 's global role as required by the Third Pillar .
23 It must also be said that a plain boiled ham presented on or off the bone is a delight to the jaded palate and should not be ignored because it remains undistinguished by any special cure .
24 The new secretary-general must also be firm enough to reform two dozen UN agencies .
25 It must also be satisfied that the adopter has not received nor agreed to receive , and that no person has made or given or agreed to make or give to the adopter , any payment in consideration of the adoption , except such as the court may sanction .
26 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
27 The differences in composition are sometimes quite subtle so the technique must also be accurate and precise .
28 If the date is to be precise to the year of felling , the bark must also be present , otherwise an estimate must be made of the number of missing rings corresponding to likely wastage by the carpenter .
29 It must also be remembered that death usually took place in the home , not only because nineteenth century parents preferred it , but also because , before the development of antisepsis in practical nursing in the last quarter of the century , to send a patient to hospital was much more likely to prove fatal than keeping him at home .
30 Secondly , it must also be appreciated that there was substantial unity within trade union ranks and that , despite the suspension of the strike on 12 May , the unions had signalled their intention not to accept further wage reductions without some resistance .
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