Example sentences of "[vb mod] come to " in BNC.

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1 Arguing that Glasgow wages were already higher than those in Edinburgh , and pointing out that the Glasgow printers had successfully blacked firms trying to employ women , he went on ( in rather clotted prose ) : I am satisfied that the employment of female compositors in Glasgow , while it would increase the total volume of work done there and admit of the natural development of the Glasgow book trade , would not injure the position of the Glasgow men printers , while it would enable the Glasgow printing trade , employed as well as employers , to obtain and retain work which at present ought to come to Glasgow , or at least might come to Glasgow but now goes to Edinburgh .
2 She had enough sense to realise that this was one argument that ought to come to a stop right now .
3 Which I think any sensible person ought to come to , which is , that human beings are neither basically bad , evil , and anti-social , no more are they basically good , altruistic and cooperative .
4 Ought to come to bed and turn it off .
5 Diana , and then we ought to come to a decision .
6 ‘ You should come to my country , perhaps .
7 Last but not least , Keith is an historian who has frequently visited Mexico and it does n't faze him that I , as a Mexican , should come to his country to write about its artists .
8 In theory , the law should come to your rescue .
9 After having had it ruin so much of their practice time , it seemed only fair that it should come to their aid when they needed it .
10 Once this alienation had set in , it was inevitable that , as in our day , the loved one should come to be regarded — at least by the conscious mind — as no more than a body to be disposed of as quickly and hygienically as possible .
11 At that time I was still on good terms with the General Intendant and he said , ‘ you should come to the rehearsals ’ .
12 Suppose a white man should come to me and say ‘ Joseph , I like your horses , and I want to buy them . ’
13 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
14 However , given a reasonable state of preservation , you should come to no harm at Scourie ; and most days will see you happily tramping anything up to six miles , fishing perhaps a dozen different waters along the way , with golden eagle , red deer and curlew for company .
15 The time must come when he decides to retire , and it 's only right that he should come to Thrush Green to enjoy his heritage .
16 He replied that the daughter could sue under trust for relief so that the whole of what the testator had given her should come to her .
17 In the tenth century it was imagined to be an immemorial tradition that archbishops wishing to receive from the pope the ‘ pallium ’ , the scarf of lambs ' wool which set them apart as metropolitans and gave them their status over the rest of the bishops , should come to Rome in person to receive it .
18 The only person not wholly in sympathy with this plan was the bartender who complained that I was supposed to be off duty and that the passengers should come to the bar to buy the drinks themselves ; I was syphoning off his tips .
19 Ideally , companies should come to the UITF with their proposed treatment .
20 ‘ It 's the same the whole world over , Sister , ’ he said , ‘ but it 's sad it should come to Ireland as well . ’
21 So we recommend that advance notification of commission should come to be accepted as good trading practice .
22 Everlast has made much in recent interviews of HOP 's lack of meaning — they 're just regular guys who enjoy a few bevvies and like to get laid , they do n't pretend otherwise , and no-one should come to them expecting anything else .
23 In this too he failed : all he could get was a promise that no legate should come to England during his own lifetime .
24 Once the Bible began to be approached as historical material , open to critical historical study , it was natural that the New Testament , and in particular the life and personality of Jesus himself , should come to be re-examined .
25 Caledor sent his ambassador back with his beard shaved off and said if Gotrek wanted compensation he should come to Ulthuan and collect it .
26 It is perhaps not surprising that such an interpretation should come to the fore in the implementation of normalisation .
27 Mr Skinner said Mr Lilley should come to the House to answer questions over ‘ the £4,000 bill the taxpayer is having to foot for him flying from his holiday cottage in France to come back to Britain ’ .
28 If convincing contrary evidence is presented within that period , they should come to a settlement with the buyer .
29 He should come to his senses .
30 He spoke of his belief in democracy and of the necessity that a Fascist government should come to power by constitutional means .
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