Example sentences of "[vb mod] have to " in BNC.

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1 Proposals should have to be advertised locally , the manifesto says , and customers should be given a right of audience before the licensing authorities to oppose unwelcome changes .
2 IT SEEMS remarkable that Gershwin 's Porgy and Bess should have to be the object of rediscovery .
3 But , as with Neratius , it is again surprising that words like cupio or opto , which are both entirely in the traditional mould of requesting the trustee to do something , should have to be mentioned at all .
4 Aunt M. nags and nags , and Uncle John said outright that he did n't see why they should have to be responsible for me , when Mother was only half-sister to Aunt Millicent .
5 The question is whether , in a society that 's meant to be as free for women as for men , we should have to .
6 The 1969 and 1977 surveys asked people if they supported the idea that a real rate of interest should have to be disclosed .
7 Writing of Andrewes ' public life he concludes , ‘ It is a cause of thanksgiving that Andrewes can be convicted of weakness rather than malice , but it is sad that either alternative should have to be attributed to such a man . ’
8 For we should have to be able to redescribe both the actions we currently regard as rational , and those we think of as requiring a reactive response , so as to overcome the contrast between them .
9 One can not know completely either the information that was available or the value that should have to be associated with obtaining more information prior to the decision being taken .
10 But I do n't consider that those problems should have to be shouldered by you , and you alone .
11 ‘ You must have to be pretty sick to see a shrink . ’
12 You 'll have to
13 ‘ It 'll have to be after Lent . ’
14 You 'll have to sooner or later and I reckon this storm 's set in for hours .
15 We 'll have to be going home . ’
16 Asked about Noriega 's extradition , Mr Eduardo Vallarino told reporters : ‘ The Panamanian constitution prohibits extradition , so if Noriega is apprehended he 'll have to be duly charged and tried in Panama . ’
17 ‘ You 'll have to , you 're all I 've got at your rank .
18 ‘ You and I and Henry will be with the Minister at the Select Committee all afternoon , and we 'll have to be on call to brief all morning .
19 I 'll have to be in the workshop finishing that brooch .
20 You 'll have to be careful !
21 ‘ We 'll have to be up early . ’
22 ‘ This is all very interestin' , ’ said the Mayor , ‘ but I ca n't say one way or t' other , it 'll have to be discussed in council and there 's yon bridge to be seen to now .
23 It 'll have to be cash .
24 ‘ We 'll have to be careful , ’ she said .
25 I 'll have to , and risk it .
26 I 'll have to .
27 ‘ It 'll have to be brief , ’ George said dryly .
28 ‘ Well , they 'll have to , ’ said Nicholson pulling the necktie from his shirt and flinging it across the back of a chair .
29 Well , it does n't look too bad , but I 'll have to ground you till you heal up a bit .
30 But you 'll have to be speaking up ! ’
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