Example sentences of "[vb mod] not and " in BNC.

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1 After the visit the East German government spokesperson declared that " unity must not and can not be a simple annexation " .
2 She should not and can not be sexually active in her natal family and hence is regarded while she is there as both benign and pure .
3 And one officer at the crash scene yesterday said : ‘ There are people who live there who should not and the building that was hit is one of the worst .
4 The point about quality was that it should not and probably could not be confined .
5 The socialist , the feminist , or the worker who picks up a cheap print of the Memorial Sheet to Karl Liebknecht ( 1919 ) , is not prioritising the formal elements which attracted Max Lehrs as writing , ‘ It would be very regrettable if ( Kollowitz ‘ etchings ) found approval from the public merely because of their social content … = Art should not and can not serve the changing goals of parties . ’
6 With the United States removed , at least temporarily , from the reprocessing marketplace , the possibility of the 450 spent fuel elements coming to Scotland should not and can not be dismissed .
7 We really do belong in the Second Division but this should not and need not be so .
8 I actually advised him at the meeting that he should not and could n't take that motion , and I was by Alderman in that situation , but he still deemed to go ahead and that 's p his prerogative .
9 I must n't and I wo n't .
10 There was no way I could hope to keep up with him through the tunnel ( a route I highly recommend if you want to lose a tail ) as there were just too many imponderable lane changes and toll booth stops , so I U-turned where I should n't and headed back .
11 And , road accidents , we talk about them a lot , and we 've discussed about charging for them , or whether we should n't and all the rest of it , they are n't about bits of squashed metal , they 're about people .
12 A bailiff had found a pig wandering where it should n't and , according to city regulations , had promptly cut the animal 's throat .
13 Positive reinforcement tells them what they may and should do ; negative reinforcement tells them what they may not and should not do .
14 Erm and people will take on board different methods of being probed , some will respond to audio probes , some will re respond to some visual stimulation er conceptualize er ideas you know the ones we looked at last week like the old PEGGY symbols and erm the cheque book , PHI and life assurance , the ten percent rule and there is one another which we can look at , another mnemonic called er erm some of you may have come across it before , others may not and is hey so Mr Prospect if you had n't made an adequate retirement plan , what financial problems do you think you or family could have ?
15 because the verderers ought not and are not able to enroll anything in their rolls except a presentment of the foresters , and the foresters presented nothing of the matters aforesaid .
16 Pound was in all seriousness embarked on an epic poem ( which he defined , following of all unlikely authorities Rudyard Kipling , as ‘ the tile of the tribe ’ ) ; he could not and did not expect understanding from readers who supposed that the epic poem had died in the seventeenth century if not before , whose expectations therefore were conditioned by their experience of the brief or else extended lyric .
17 To acknowledge that she could not and never would ask Maggie for the mothering that she would give to her own mother .
18 In a speech to ex-servicemen and women , Mr Brooke said that the security forces had shown that terrorism could not and would not succeed .
19 The second was that force could not and should not be used to maintain Communist authority in Eastern Europe .
20 The information system is the major link between adviser and client , without which a bureau could not and would not be allowed to continue to serve the public .
21 Corbett tried to sleep but could not and sat trembling , trying to compose his thoughts but it was useless , he could not calm himself .
22 She said she could not and would not continue to deal with Mr Sloan .
23 James Tomlinson could not and still does not believe that he imagined seeing the mysterious passenger .
24 Whether or not my father was happy , I could not and can not tell because that has always been difficult , but I suspect from his outbursts of temper and the frequency of his migraines that he was not .
25 Could not and would not .
26 I remember once that I could not and with one swoop she was upon me — over the head , down the back , on my bare legs , until in agony and terror I ran for the house screaming for my father .
27 But the golden age could not and did not last .
28 I arose and spoke and told them that I could not and would not do it .
29 Well , Aunt Margaret could not and Francie would not .
30 She would have liked to sleep again but found she could not and so she had to get up .
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