Example sentences of "[vb mod] not get " in BNC.

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1 It seemed rather an historic moment , but I put the thought aside ; one must not get sentimental , and everything had been done properly , had been left in order and as it should be .
2 But I must not get irritable , must not .
3 So you must not get bogged down in detail .
4 On 15th June , Howard sent 92 cavalrymen from Fort Lapwai under Captain Perry to pursue the Nez Perce , teasing his subordinate : ‘ You must not get whipped ’ .
5 He must not get isolated .
6 Conservative administrations of the 1980s were certainly right to maintain that governments must not get involved in ‘ picking winners ’ and directing companies ' strategies .
7 Yet we must not get their faith in witchcraft and magic out of proportion .
8 But I had made up my mind that I must not get emotional , so I hid all my feelings .
9 You must not get too concerned about this matter of your veins , which are superficial .
10 That was one of the orders , there was a little bathroom down in the in the first floor and the thing that they must not get , was your hands dirty .
11 This must not get out , of course . ’
12 The argument for multi-faith RE , which I support , must not get involved in negative judgements of this kind .
13 We must not get involved in an attacking extravaganza .
14 A Northern Electric spokesman urged people not to approach downed lines : ‘ Although they are designed to fail safe people must not get to close .
15 But Gaullists and Thatcherites should not get too excited .
16 In any case it would be better if I sat at the table , the light was better there and I should not get lazy .
17 But Ian Darby , director of mortgage brokers John Charcol , cautioned : ‘ We should not get carried away with euphoria ; borrowers are still very highly geared and suffering high real rates of interest — nominal rates are still 6.5 percentage points above inflation .
18 That is , they should not get involved in information analysis and judgement .
19 It is wrong that other SERC competitors for money should not get it because international high-energy physics is .
20 However , if you are committed to jumping a fence , they should not get in the way .
21 There seems no good reason why women who employ someone to help with their youngsters while they are at work should not get tax relief on the wages they pay .
22 We should not get carried away .
23 They should not get annoyed , because if they shout or beep , I start shouting obscenities .
24 You should not get blisters if you have taken the trouble to fit your boots as we have suggested .
25 He should not get too emotional , moody , tearful or truculent , especially if he ca n't explain why to his own and other people 's satisfaction , and if he does he should feel concerned .
26 Dover has strong views on why this Bill should not get any further .
27 Yet Ministers only received £5000 and Permanent Secretaries in the civil service £3500 , and the Treasury were naturally concerned that public sector industries should not get too far out of line .
28 However , we should not get conflict and defensive behaviour out of perspective .
29 But my , my view would be that I would er you know investigate this fully and er come forward with a recommendation , but that er my own er thought would be , and I I now take your thoughts , that we should not get ourselves erm launched into a very big , massive erm you know operation of advertising this franchise afresh and going through the whole procedure .
30 To say that the GMC should not get involved in assessing the acceptability of a treatment a doctor uses in the way it is now prepared to assess a doctor 's professional behaviour is to cede the argument to those who claim that self regulation has become an introspective , bureaucratic activity that has grown detached from its original purpose of protecting patients .
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