Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 May fair fun events
2 A few quotations from his correspondence to friends during the years before its appearance will serve to introduce the main interests and traits in question : " Three things are my relaxations , but infrequent ones : my Schopenhauer , Schumann 's music , and solitary walks " ( from 1866 ) ; " It is only too natural that … concentrating on a particular field of knowledge all day long should somewhat blunt one 's untrammelled receptivity and attack the philosophic sense at its root .
3 Secondly , should more specific principles be articulated to guide the exercise of substantive review ?
4 Why should more capital spending on hospitals make the National Health Service more ‘ productive ’ than more current spending on nurses ?
5 Sir , should any additional representations be sent directly to you after the close of the enquiry , I I I for one do n't know whether this would happen or not , but what are the administrative arrangements for dealing with that ?
6 Palma Nova itself may be must more glitzy with smart cocktail bars such as Stadium and Lord Byron 's .
7 Apart altogether from the loss of water which must accrue by the rise of locks , the time saved in passing through the Grand Union Canal must under ordinary circumstances be reduced by not less than say 3 hours .
8 Nevertheless , this literature must bc taken much more seriously by social theory generally , as well as by urban social theory .
9 Also , you should bc wary of putting down pots and pans straight from the stove ; this might cause the ceramic to crack .
10 And thus the value of goods sold ( PQ ) must also equal £80 billion .
11 Since reading aloud primes subsequent tachistoscopic recognition , the semantic system ( if it is indeed the locus of priming effects ) must be playing a part in tachistoscopic recognition ; from which it follows that prior use of that system in responding to a definition should also prime tachistoscopic recognition .
12 For goodness sake , why should small city-centre hotels have to operate restaurants or be forced into stupid little half-measures such as the aforementioned to get a rating ?
13 This could happen should genetically altered plants become weeds , or should insects designed to eat certain pests develop a taste for others .
14 But should potentially carcinogenic substances such as benzene play any part in the healing art of aromatherapy ?
15 They should either just touch the floor — no gap between hem and floor — or be allowed to fall down to it in folds , Thirties style .
16 In the same way , single travellers should never hitch-hike even when stranded .
17 I have to run my day — it may should absolutely awful — as a businessman 's day .
18 Yeah but why should bloody intelligent people go along with it Ken ?
19 Right let's just quick , can I use , have you got a cloth , I can just wipe her hands with ?
20 They say free fitting , they 'll most likely underlay , cos they 're so clever are n't they ?
21 and she 'll phone Anne she 'll most likely phone Joan and the rest of them .
22 But you 'll most likely have what we have now , then , a self-selecting coterie
23 well they 'll only recent
24 I was gon na further say that erm , you know , beside lack of information itself , information of repression , information into someone 's life I mean , repression necessarily I mean the , the thing that someone does in their lifetime might necessarily strange and distracted , and the purpose of the thing
25 It 'll obviously buy-in many ready-made COSE components — including networking and the Open Software Foundation 's distributed computing environment mdash ; and use the interfaces that 'll be made available through the COSE specification .
26 So tonight the wraps are off and I think you 'll agreeably surprised by what you hear !
27 Well he 's gone on seven days of the week complaining about so and so we 'll just narrow that down to one article about his his complaint that they may just make a little note he 's complained seven times about this !
28 And then we 'll fucking sweet !
29 Or perhaps one might just narrow it a bit further than that and say well let's see how history is going in the first two years , or the O level history course , or something like that , and we would discuss well given that all these different people are involved in history or have a stake in it in some way , or are interested in it , and given that you 're only going to have a very limited amount of time to do anything in , how can you do something that would be genuinely useful to the school in looking at the history teaching and something that would have the support of the people involved so that it was n't threatening anybody but they felt there was something being genuinely helpful .
30 We could , but I du n no how realistic it would be , I mean if there was , oh obviously it 'll more realistic than doing nothing .
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