Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I , you may laugh but you see if you 're writing stories for a , for a young child then you 've got to be explicit , you 've got to be colourful and you 've got to talk in a basic language that that child will talk that like that at that age .
2 ‘ You may laugh if you like .
3 The Prisoners ' Dilemma is an interesting metaphor for the fundamental biological problem of how cooperative behaviour may evolve and be maintained ; alternative approaches involve , for example , studies of how the patchiness that can be created by limited dispersal or population ‘ viscosity ’ might favour the evolution of altruism through the elevation of inclusive fitness within kin groups .
4 The fact that a convection pattern , occurring when Ra is a little above its critical value , commonly contains defects has very important consequences for the ways in which the convection may evolve as Ra is further increased .
5 Here the composition may unfold and develop as I work .
6 The output of these groups may fail to develop , or their culture may disintegrate or disappear .
7 The first duty of the conqueror , he wrote , ‘ is to maintain his domination and to assure that it will last ; everything is good which has the effect of consolidating and guaranteeing it , everything is bad that may weaken or compromise it ’ .
8 While it is clear that compounds with antithrombin or antiplatelet properties may enhance and sustain the action of thrombolytic agents , their optimum use and potential haemorrhagic side-effects remain to be explored .
9 It may enhance or reduce ‘ life chances ’ , that is their chances of obtaining those things defined as desirable and avoiding those things defined as undesirable in their society .
10 This fluid phase may migrate and be consumed in melting reactions elsewhere , or rise as a low-viscosity fluid , causing metasomatism in refractory lithosphere away from the melt zone .
11 Now we ought to acknowledge that the medium itself is no less suspect .
12 When we include uncertainty , er , we ought to acknowledge that farmers may behave not as profit , profit maximizers erm , but as profit satisfiers , and that 's reflected in their , in their risk-aversion .
13 The Power of Attorney is given to a relative or solicitor to act as Attorney or donee , but this power ought to lapse if the donor is mentally incapacitated , and the Court of Protection should step in .
14 Moreover , it is important to note that an SRO may modify or waive the core rules ( on a case by case basis ) in order to adapt them to the circumstances of a particular firm .
15 Divergent influences may modify or dispel values imbued as a result of parental influence .
16 First it is argued that where a state is relatively just one ought to support and maintain it .
17 Using the equations for the expected return ( 5.7 ) , actual return ( 5.19 ) , beta ( 5.20 ) , variance due to the market ( 5.21 ) , non-market variance ( 5.22 ) , and total variance ( 5.23 ) we may construct and analyse any portfolio of equities .
18 A LIFESPAN option performs a specific task which may construct and issue one or more transactions .
19 Now , do you remember now let's think whether you were born .
20 As far as the social element is concerned , a government should recognise the need to promote social cohesion by securing that all citizens have a standard of living that enables them to participate in the life of the community ; governments must take care that reductions in the social element of citizenship which they may regard as necessary in the area of economic policy do not result in sections of the population being excluded from citizenship and membership of the national community .
21 From the point of view of explanation , moral and ideological features of social life can be treated as legitimizing devices which may facilitate but do not account for what is really going on .
22 This factor enables a human-being to resonate with those forces responsible for his existence and explains the feelings one may experience when visiting such sanctuaries .
23 Let's eat and get out of here .
24 The function of government intervention is less to tell people what they ought to like than to allow them better to achieve what they already like .
25 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
26 Sometimes , it is true , they must have been little more than what Marc Bloch described as ‘ l'endroit où on passe ’ ; but one may presume that efforts were made to drain long-distance roads and keep them clear of obstruction ; and kings and princes in several countries regarded the main roads as their roads .
27 In any field of employment a successful application depends to some degree on the applicant 's being seen to say and do what is expected during the selection process , and to this extent conventional selection methods can always be faulted for the way they may presume that words uttered on a form or in an interview are reliable indicators of future performance .
28 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
29 Ramsey confessed that they had done a lot of harm and ought to apologize but said that the best of them were trying to , and that the Church of England ought to apologize to the high churchmen for the way in which it sometimes treated them .
30 Pupils may eat and drink in the Refectory , or in the classrooms by arrangement with members of staff .
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