Example sentences of "[to-vb] [being] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The young horse goes through so many learning experiences with us — the discipline of being held still in our arms as a foal , acceptance of being stroked all over and having its legs picked up , learning to lead and to be tied up , and later learning to accept being rugged and lunged .
2 It was hard to remember being cold , rushed , flurried and upset .
3 Burdens unloaded , the escort was sent back , horses and extra mouths to feed being undesired .
4 Martin Orne , a psychiatrist and research psychologist now at the University of Pennsylvania , asked several hypnotised people to re-experience being six years old .
5 On a more positive note , the expedition did make port at the appointed hour on the appointed day , having spent several hours in a public house further up the estuary to avoid being early , which made for a very ‘ happy ’ reunion .
6 I used to avoid being present at the killings .
7 Nalgo , whose Stockton branch chairman Steve Matthews said members were not consulted on the proposals , is seeking an urgent meeting with council leader Bob Gibson over moves to axe 38 jobs in a bid to avoid being rate-capped .
8 May we try to avoid being cruel and unkind even with those people we find it really hard to like .
9 Now , however , she had grown tired of Davis , and her excuses to avoid being alone with him became more frequent .
10 It also usually manages to avoid being patronising , though this is difficult .
11 Selfishness is a part of basic survival instinct , therefore it is impossible to avoid being concerned with self when one does not believe anyone else is .
12 The trick was to avoid being dummy .
13 They deny any great interest in theory : yet , as Peck points out , all must have a vital concern with theory if their teaching is to avoid being aimless and purposeless ( Peck 1988 ) .
14 It is important for the learning process to avoid being prescriptive but at the same time ensure that the alternatives put forward are acceptable .
15 Er , the woman put her hands up as well and then we started to move away from the door , er across the room er to avoid being stuck as a silhouette in the doorway .
16 To avoid being unfair or unjustified , we will instruct the company to terminate Tramway No. 10 a few yards short of the junction . ’
17 But to deny being nervous when he knew that she was would be both pointless and stupid .
18 Now , what you 've got to do , the one thing you really have got to do is to , is is to start being critical of yourselves and well look , am I doing anything wrong here ?
19 ‘ We have to start being meaner at the back .
20 One of the activities that will.help us to keep being successful is to keep on learning .
21 ‘ Time Lords are supposed to remain calm , ’ he told himself , ‘ but then again , I do n't want to risk being late to meet Mait , do I ? ’
22 Drastic though the remedy is , no firm of solicitors can realistically afford to risk being unable for want of an appropriate agreement to remove any partner whose professional or personal conduct has become an embarrassment or worse .
23 I can not work as a scribe , and I am beginning to enjoy being free .
24 Going to continue being cold you sort some gloves out .
25 The person who is feeling stable , confident and optimistic is far less likely to mind being alone than someone who is still reeling from a major bereavement or break-up .
26 Some seem to think being blind and deaf means you 're a total idiot . ’
27 The pressures to be either Black or lesbian make it very difficult and confusing to develop being Black and lesbian .
28 ( 2 ) Frequently reference is made ( as in the precedent ) to forfeiture being available on the breach of a covenant by the guarantor or on the bankruptcy of the guarantor .
29 I quickly became aware of what a ‘ real polis ’ was and more importantly what boundaries one had to cross to cease being real and in effect become unreal , inauspicious , and inhuman .
30 We have to learn tolerance , to look at our behaviour and to stop being self-righteous .
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