Example sentences of "[to-vb] [subord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 How to find where to stay
2 You also need to know whether to order glykos ( sweet ) , metrios ( medium sweet ) or sketos ( unsweetened ) .
3 The same is true of standing monuments such as tombstones — it is difficult to know whether to categorize these as sites or finds .
4 that he 's wanted to know whether to destroy the negatives and things does he , yes ?
5 From the outside it is difficult to know whether to curse Bramante 's decision to demolish the original church — apart from the internal apse structure and the ( later ) campanile , — or to marvel at the soaring lines .
6 It does matter we really need to know whether to make necessary phone calls
7 It was their duty ‘ so to work as to make proprietors or occupiers on a lower level as secure against injury as they would have been had nature not been interfered with . ’
8 This particular passage ends with the sentence : ‘ the purpose of the underground press is ‘ not so much to dissent as to disrupt ’ , and its editorial policies explicitly and implicitly seek to overthrow society as we know it , and of this it makes no secret ’ .
9 In the passage quoted from Whatever Happened to Sex ? when Richard Neville was discussed above , Mrs Whitehouse described his book Playpower as ‘ the handbook of the international drop-outs ’ , the purpose of the underground as ‘ not so much to dissent as to disrupt ’ and the implicit and explicit goal contained in OZ editorial policies as the overthrow of society .
10 Ironically , a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking … .
11 He struggled even more when four men pounced upon him and pinned him to the ground , but his frantic movements were more an attempt to breathe than to escape .
12 The function of government intervention is less to tell people what they ought to like than to allow them better to achieve what they already like .
13 There is more to these pieces than just a virtuosic exterior , though I should add that they are perhaps a great deal more amusing to perform than to listen to ‘ en bloc ’ .
14 The Government , responsive to its own Liberal supporters , was more concerned to accommodate than to confront conscientious objectors .
15 The opportunity may , therefore , exist for settlement at this stage and there is no doubt that it is preferable so to proceed than to achieve settlement at the door of the Court .
16 There is more here to enjoy than to carp about , abut as with the Chopin Waltzes , the rather close digital piano image seems slightly artificial in its bright presence .
17 MATURITY IS : Being quicker to affirm than to condemn .
18 Perhaps I needed more courage to retire than to carry on .
19 He refuses to elaborate except to add that ‘ it was rough-housing all the way ’ .
20 His walk , attitude and gestures were those of a self-confident man , a little addicted to be indifferent to others , and far more disposed to lead than to follow .
21 Certainly , this has not been yielding the same profits as four years ago , but the Japanese are not entirely absent from the sale rooms nonetheless , even though more often in order to sell than to buy .
22 An adult patient who , like Miss T. , suffers from no mental incapacity has an absolute right to choose whether to consent to medical treatment , to refuse it or to choose one rather than another of the treatments being offered .
23 Retailers will be able to choose whether to surcharge credit card customers or to offer a discount for cash , giving them greater price control .
24 He had to choose whether to grasp power at every opportunity or to love others and to trust in God .
25 The effect of the Court 's judgment was that insurance companies from other member states were free to choose whether to do business in France through an agency or branch on the one hand , or through a subsidiary registered in France on the other , without suffering any tax disadvantages as a result .
26 A third problem with the idea that everything is determined is that we feel that we have free will — that we have the freedom to choose whether to do something .
27 Rain had to choose whether to let him pass or lead him into the house and try to steer him away from the kitchen .
28 Allowing doctors to choose whether to spend time in teaching , or research , or management will work only if all of the options are seen to be of equal importance .
29 Knowles suggests that a Liverpool speaker first has to choose whether to merge these classes or not , before further deciding whether to apply a number of lower-level optional rules .
30 It is now left to the individual to choose whether to work longer hours , and those willing to work on Sunday can continue to do so .
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