Example sentences of "[to-vb] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Anyway , since this case is under investigation by the judiciary , the proper person to inform is the magistrate in charge , Luciano Bartocci . ’
2 First to come is the Expression , based on the hatchback Merit in either metallic blue or pearlescent red .
3 Still to come is the awful Ghost Dad , basically another attempt to get Bill Cosby 's TV act to work on the big screen ( Bill plays a workaholic dad who , once dead , gets to spend more time with his family ) .
4 If all they have to dread is the passing of a law , why behave as if such a law already exists ?
5 The first tier to meet is the subject examinations committees .
6 The fact that these emotions exist in industrial and other enterprises and that the ego finds ways of defending against bad experiences is not at issue ; what is more difficult to establish is the complex way in which these feelings are dealt with .
7 Even more difficult to establish is the relative economic importance of individual small towns in the regional and urban hierarchy to what extent was a small town or village dependent on its major neighbours , and how much did the larger towns and cities rely on supplies from the former ?
8 Does the Prime Minister agree that although there is scope for compromise on many matters at Maastricht , the one issue on which it is impossible to compromise is the difference between those who believe that Britain could and should join in a single currency and those who believe that we should not do so at any price and that we should never even have joined the exchange rate mechanism ?
9 One of the hardest things for women to bear is the way men reject tears as silly and irrelevant , when they know them to be important and valuable .
10 The Last To Know is the most exuberant track , helped by a vibrant horn section and a catchy melody .
11 With a practice partner all you need to know is the key word chosen .
12 ‘ One other thing they 'll want to know is the real reason why Sara was in father 's office at just after six this morning . ’
13 It is also confusion between a proper assurance based on experience and the insight deriving from it , and the dogmatism which so easily follows but is distinct from it , and which insists that what we happen to know is the only thing that matters — what others have discovered or had revealed to them is unimportant .
14 We do the first bit who needs to be trained what do they need to know is the second
15 Long division 's pretty boring ; I think what I would like every child to know is the fact that long division is just repeated subtraction and all the methods long division do is to formalize that repeated subtracted .
16 Another thing women are beginning to discover is the benefit of networking — making contacts outside work at places like Club 2000 and Forum .
17 In such cases what we need to discover is the most specific head all of whose incompatibles are xenonyms — that is , a head such that , for any hyponym , at least one incompatible can be found which is also a philonym of the modifier .
18 Now all I 've got to find is the cream !
19 Here , to differ is the equivalent of to be different , that is to say , the infinitive expresses its event as a state , more precisely as a resulting state , in this type of use .
20 What we 've helped to provide is the backdrop that makes it possible for today 's girls to grow into young women , and into women , confident in their lesbianism .
21 Another dog which can prove difficult to train is the Chow Chow .
22 all this , all this , it is , it is for , cos what they 're trying , what they 're trying to work is the fact that er you 're supposed to have twenty one hours ' class contact
23 One that takes time to appear is the creation of a data base of information applicable to a whole range of products .
24 Another issue which the Government is determined to tackle is the number of young people leaving school with no qualifications — 10pc at the last count .
25 Another avenue to explore is the possibility of pressing the flower belonging to the month of the birthday in question .
26 Another important rare process that lasers may help us to detect is the decay of the proton ( New Scientist , vol 85 , p 1016 ) .
27 And perhaps the most difficult one to remember is the easiest of the lot , the acid plus the metal cos there 's none of the usual stuff , no salt no water just the hydrogen coming off .
28 Indeed , perhaps the largest myth to destroy is the ‘ poor relation ’ status that vocabulary has , especially when seen in comparison with grammar .
29 ‘ What we are trying to highlight is the whole effect of Government policy on the health service , ’ Mr Gillen said .
30 We accept that both the Unionist and Nationalist traditions are valid and legitimate ; that Northern Ireland should remain a part of the UK until the free consent of the majority of its people is given to change ; that the Republic of Ireland has a legitimate interest in the future of Northern Ireland ; and that a partnership in government which allows both communities to participate is the only practical way in which to make progress .
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