Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , I would like to see developed a Code of Practice binding on doctors which would grow out of the views of all interested parties : doctors , patients , and the public .
2 Some of the things a good caddie was expected to know included a good knowledge of the game , to be able to advise the player on which club to use at any given moment ; a knowledge of the course , the length of its holes , its geography from tee to green and the subtleties and borrows of those greens , as well as the way it played in all weather conditions .
3 She added that Howarth 's failure to appear prevented a full debate on science policy .
4 Whilst I was in Pembroke on this February visit , three separate people in positions to know volunteered the information that ‘ often as not ’ on the given dates , no firing or activity takes place .
5 Similarly in Reg. v. Wells Street Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Deakin [ 1980 ] A.C. 479 , a case concerned with the law of criminal libel , both Lord Diplock and Lord Keith of Kinkel were concerned that the result to which they felt constrained to come entailed the risk of a failure to comply with our international obligations under article 10 .
6 By the end of the reign it was already falling off , and while Henry VI had much noble support for his coronation expedition in 1430–1 , those who continued to serve him in the French war in the years to come constituted a relatively small group of men .
7 FILMING of a sequel to smash hit The Commitments begins in New York this winter .
8 That all of you managed to come meant the world to Daddy . ’
9 I note in particular the first meeting of the National Committee which I was glad to see made a good start .
10 The sudden movement as she started to remember caused an agonizing throb of pain and she froze .
11 Alternatively , as in Dobson according to Parker LJ , the acceptance by the accused of the victim 's offer to sell constituted the appropriation .
12 The government programme to which the PSE-PSOE had been unable to agree envisaged the transfer to the region of responsibility for social security and local management of the national employment institute , as well as the creation of a Basque public bank .
13 To those brought up on E. alpinum , the viciously prickly glaucous sea holly , E. eburneum is novel if not a revelation and surprisingly easy to grow given a deep well-drained soil in sun .
14 Sudden and final loss of ability to walk turned a chronic problem into a crisis : emotionally she could not face this added challenge , and her marital relationship collapsed .
15 Several people ended up with wet feet and all the cats vanished and even the kids who were trying to help got the odd clout for ‘ gettin' under our feet ’ .
16 Three days in Sorrento to unwind brought the holiday to a close , and then Merrill was home again , to be reminded of Rob 's wedding by the engraved invitation that had arrived during her absence .
17 The vote , when it came , broke five days of deadlock for a post that will give Yeltsin no executive powers , but huge authority and the opportunity to help set a new political agenda for the Russian parliament .
18 Because it was a Peculiar , the priory church had four wardens — one of their duties was to enforce the wearing of woolly hats on Sundays : failure to comply brought a fine of fourpence .
19 Er , I mean , deregulation a bill er is not perhaps gon na affect the numbers of statutory instruments going through the house and I think that er the city would continue without the statutory instrument , er I think the country would continue , it would go on if we 'd had n't passed these regulations and in essence are these four new statutory instruments really going to help run the country more effectively er are we imposing duties on auditors er and regulators er with the securities er er tied up with the investment board , another quango , er do we need all this ?
20 I must again stress how very grateful we are to the IBOA and AIB for their kindness in continuing to help put a little additional pleasure into the lives of our members .
21 to help spread the news , I enclose the material
22 On the stroke of half-time , Alborne 's one-legged defender , Brown , successfully dummied the entire Whaddon back row to give Alborne a 5–0 lead at the interval .
23 No more so than in the 20th minute , when Steve Bruce rolled the ball back to him and from 25 yards he hit a low , left-foot shot through a crowd of players to give United the lead .
24 The goal looked good enough to give United the draw as well , but with just a minute to go they cracked .
25 Ca n't I got walkman yeah right , and listening to hardcore put the earphone up cos there 's a bit of hardcore on the What ?
26 But earthlings attempting to borrow found a different reality .
27 In the same way , the ears , which we had been led to believe revealed the horse 's emotions , are not really good indicators of a horse 's feelings on their own .
28 After the success of the centenary festival it was hoped to hold the sing outdoors again , and for the 101st event in 1987 the committee worked hard to set up the staging and prepare the venue ; but a cloudburst just an hour before it was due to start necessitated a change of plan .
29 Such flexibility was easier to foster given a basic consensus amongst the staff .
30 A group of students from the school where Joanna used to teach thought the reward and publicity could give the murder inquiry new impetus .
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