Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] if " in BNC.

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1 It could go wrong simply if asset prices began to fall or if cash flows ebbed .
2 " If he 's not honest , he 'll know we 're afraid to come and if he is , he 'll think we 're suspicious , cowardly skulkers .
3 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
4 You are the most ill-mannered , arrogant man it has ever been my misfortune to meet and if you think that I am going to obediently trot over there and start picking up that rubbish now … ’
5 Identifying trainees is all about finding out who needs to be trained and what they need to know and if you remember one of ject objectives we had for the course is , was to , so that by the end of the course you will actually develop a system by identifying the trainees because this is sort of hit or miss .
6 Absolutely , and you will find when we look on the video the number of people who held up a piece of paper if you hold things up and I 'm holding this now because I 'm about to write but if if you stand here and hold a piece of paper then it 's very difficult to make symmetrical palm gestures , open palm gestures .
7 we just have a recap , okay , if there 's any congenital amalgamation particularly in the central nervous system , things like spina bifida , hydrocephalus , problems like that and any underlying infection or feeding difficulties and the feeding difficulties could be cause or effect , we 've got a baby that 's erm , who 's temperature is dropping , it 's getting more sleepy and erm it 's difficult to feed and if a baby 's not feeding properly it wo n't be able to warm itself up .
8 To them it was essentially an effort , on the whole an unsuccessful one , to restrict and if possible reverse the enormous growth of Britain 's maritime strength and overseas possessions .
9 After this it was scrubbed in paraffin to clean and if necessary , degrease it .
10 they they get an allowance for somebody to clean and if they 've got a cleaner , I mean , they should have sacked them a long while ago !
11 You pull one out and whatever it says on there you 've got to pick and if there are a policeman judge victim then you just walk around the room .
12 But defending solicitor , Nic Parry , said that the court should not allow the ‘ law of the jungle of Holywell ’ to rule and if the case had to be adjourned for reports , then Catherwood , who admitted assault , should be allowed home .
13 But defending solicitor , Nic Parry , said that the court should not allow the ‘ law of the jungle of Holywell ’ to rule and if the case had to be adjourned for reports , then Catherwood , who admitted assault , should be allowed home .
14 I mean the w the pelican crossing case started with , when I was a councillor before nineteen eighty eight an and it 's a difficult one to detect but if you have n't occasionally come back late at night and there 's no traffic that you can spot it because no vehicle d detect vehicles when there are n't any .
15 But it 's proposed to continue and if one looks at table N Y thirteen , tabled today , one sees that the residential land supply in and around Greater York up to two thousand and six , disregarding the new settlement , shows that out of a total of between eight thousand three hundred and eighty and eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dwellings , between three thousand eight hundred and ninety and four thousand one hundred and sixty , are destined for Ryedale .
16 ’ If they have a party to go to , they 'll steal something to wear and if you ask them where all the new clothes are coming from , they just remind you how rich they are , ’ she adds .
17 Today we all have access to the speed , warmth and comfort of cars , buses , trains and planes , if that is we have the money , if there is a service running when we want it to where we want to go and if there is n't already so much traffic ahead of us choking the roads , polluting the atmosphere that we wished we stayed at home .
18 I do n't know whether she continues to paint and if so whether under her maiden or married name ( which I do n't know ) .
19 The dog is commanded to sit and if he does n't do it the first time , he is pushed gently into position .
20 Nobody wants to lose and if nobody wants to lose it means it gets fiercer and it goes on for longer and it does takes a long time to resolve , if it ever is and often to the detriment of one person to the success of another .
21 For both these reasons the Bank of England will need to monitor and if necessary influence the level of bank deposits .
22 Take the kite around the circuit , and hold a hover then walk towards the kite , allowing the lines to slacken and if it is a relatively standard steerable kite , it will land .
23 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
24 Again , there is heavy reliance on the deputy or deputies , on one or two other experienced or senior staff and on the capacity of one or more of the governors not only to understand , to discuss and if necessary to change first ideas without bloodshed but also to explain the professional side to their lay colleagues .
25 It does n't cost much to buy and if you wear it with humility you will find it is worth the Kingdom of Heaven !
26 Well I 'd like to buy before my dad go retires , because he 's in the business as you know , he knows exactly what to buy and if I have to , you know , have work done , he has this erm you know , it does everything .
27 We still have some way to go but if this magnificent generosity continues we can be sure that the future of the Cathedral is in the safe hands of the people of the Diocese .
28 They 're just nice and comfortable at the end of the day when your feet are really swollen but nice and easy to wear but if it 's tight
29 It 's a game of chance in n it I mean you pay your money , you you you come here to lose but if you win it' a bonus .
30 If you have a lot of pipe to bend or if you want to bend stainless steel or 28mm copper pipe ( both too tough to bend by hand ) , the best answer is to hire a bending machine .
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