Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 Speaking in a debate on the food question , J. R. Clynes , Minister of Food in the Coalition Government , used the apparent progress on the international front to preach patience at home :
2 Drama provides another major resource in overcoming passivity , in stimulating children to become actively involved in thinking about language , and in helping them to enjoy literature at school so that they will continue to read and to act and to attend theatrical performances for the rest of their lives .
3 AS SOME 7,000 exhausted but happy East Germans arrived in West Germany on special trains early yesterday , hundreds who missed the trains joined the queue to go west at embassies in Prague and Warsaw .
4 Most of us need to borrow money at some time or another .
5 Nor , said Thomas Gisborne in 1795 , must he himself disdain to borrow money at the appropriate moment if he is not to put his credit to real and serious hazard .
6 It would still be reasonable to suspect that someone prepared to borrow money at high rates of interest was likely to be particularly vulnerable , even if there is now little surviving residue of the old suspicion or disapproval of interest-bearing credit on ethical grounds .
7 Very few of us go through life without needing to borrow money at some time or other .
8 " Then they have to go to the Chinese to borrow money at highwaymen 's rates .
9 If people do not pay the Council will have to borrow money at current high interest rates to pay its bills ( including bills for trying to collect the tax ) and that can only mean higher poll tax bills next year .
10 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
11 From the late 1620s onwards , a significant number of courtiers had begun to attend mass at the queen 's chapel and a steady stream of them subsequently became converts to Roman Catholicism .
12 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
13 It is common for pupils to grow in height as much as an inch and a half ; they appear to lose weight at the same time .
14 The whole time that I was working at Erith with Wartberg I would journey right across London every Friday afternoon to see Gyggle at his new office .
15 She did not want to pretend pleasure at being here and she did not want to witness even more proof of the life that had been led in this house , all of it with her father .
16 Well I 've visited both Cambodia itself and the camps , er first of all in the camps , the situation is appalling because there are very many people who do not want to be in those camps and are really in effect being held there against their will , and what has been extraordinary until this year , is that the people who 've been holding them there against their will have been the Phol Pot dominated so-called coalition government and on the basis of the people being in the camps , that , that , that regime has gone on to claim recognition at the United Nations ; an appalling situation .
17 PC Kevin Williams , aged 28 , of Paddington Green and Sergeant Colin Moore , of West End Central , accused of perverting the course of justice , were sent on bail to stand trial at the Old Bailey by Bow Street magistrates yesterday .
18 A jury decided Pryse-Jones was unfit to stand trial at court because of his mental illness .
19 Two men have been charged in connection with the accident and are due to stand trial at Gloucester Crown Court .
20 But the court accepted the prosecution 's argument that there was a case to answer and committed Coun Garvey to stand trial at Teesside Crown Court .
21 Garvey , of Sandwell Avenue , Middlesbrough , is expecting to stand trial at the Crown Court for the alleged offence but magistrates decided neither case could go ahead after Garvey 's solicitor Jimmy Watson failed to appear .
22 Has society the right to pass judgement at all on matters of morals ?
23 One possible future for biomedical engineering not essayed by Heinz ( but which is being taken seriously by electronics wizard Clive Sinclair ) is the sending of minuscule probes into the bloodstream to repair damage at distant sites .
24 Indeed , he confessed that he was deeply troubled by having to pass sentence at ill : ‘ Itis with feelings of great pain that I pass sentence upon you , the defendants , and I can make great allowance for the youthful spirit which has been exhibited by you . ’
25 Other writers have complained , particularly in discrimination cases , that conciliation officers are too willing to encourage settlement at any price and fail to provide the support an unrepresented applicant may need against the relatively advantaged position of the employer ( Gregory , 1987 ) .
26 At the 1989 Annual Conference in Bournemouth it was resolved to support the RAF Benevolent Fund 's 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain Appeal , and Branches were asked to provide support at local level for what became known as the ‘ Reach for the Sky ’ Appeal .
27 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
28 Central London teachers are asked to provide tea at the next training day ( 17th October 1981 ) .
29 we went to meet mummy at the Jolly Farmers
30 Theologically , if we are going to accept cremation at all ( given our belief in bodily resurrection ) should we not at least commit the ashes to a grave and not scatter them to the winds ?
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