Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For Paul Slay coming to Oxford to shop takes a lot of effort .
2 For Paul Slay coming to Oxford to shop takes a lot of effort .
3 For Paul Slay coming to Oxford to shop takes a lot of effort .
4 However as the open society is one which confronts its citizens with choices , it would be helpful in an age which emphasises skills to spell out to target groups the " skills contribution " which effective history teaching can make to education for citizenship .
5 Simply to pass risks a sense of purposelessness ; but the purposefulness of approach requires delicacy and tact .
6 In the first attempts to write words the letters are just shapes to be copied like any other shapes .
7 On the question of whether or not to grant immigrants the right to vote in local elections , Michel Rocard , the PS Prime Minister , stated that the " extension of the right to vote in local elections to immigrants must be the consequence of successful integration , not its prerequisite " .
8 He argued that rational people drawing up a just social contract would only be willing to grant governments the power to punish to the extent that was necessary to protect themselves from the crimes of others .
9 Finally , there are plans to provide custodians a sore point to enable the churches to open for two hours a day .
10 and then you can That was very good mountain that 's a good one to know how to spell curtains the same .
11 In a bid to encourage councillors the company has offered to increase Darlington 's commission to 12.5pc .
12 To launch proceedings a party for new members is being held in the boathouse at Lockview Road on October 6 , and most present members and coaches will be present .
13 Working , living and playing together in the knowledge that this may continue for many years to come increases the pressure to conform to the wishes of the group .
14 By the historical designation of this alternative practice as ‘ sculpture ’ , when intentions were anti-sculptural , he manages to exclude women a second time over .
15 A stack of debris was cleared to provide agents an unobstructed view of the compound and drums of diesel and petrol were eliminated so the cult could not use the fuel as an incendiary device , Ricks said .
16 He stood up to indicate thai the conversation was at an end and that he had no wish to be involved as a partner in such blasphemous and heretical talk .
17 She has devoted much of her time to bringing up three children and is the only person to classify herselfas a housewife in her reply .
18 It has found that all of the councils should have the necessary administrative arrangements in place to issue bills no later than the end of April and to begin enforcement action by May or early June .
19 1.7 Example ( 26 ) shows us the second and less common relation contributing to the unfolding of syntactic structures , which we shall call equation , adopting the obvious symbol to represent it : ( 26 ) Fitzpatrick , our neighbour , used to plant potatoes the subject exemplifies the basic pattern [ E = E ] , ( as does the underlined portion of ( 22 ) ) ; in more exact terms , what we have in this subject phrase is : As we have just remarked , equational phrases are rarer than phrases involving qualification ; and , among them , there is a very large disproportion in favour of equation between E and E , rather than between P and P. Nevertheless , the latter can be found ; two examples would be : ( 28 ) what I need is a cup of strong , dark coffee for a fast , convenient trip to the city , take the Skytram This is clearly not to say that strong and dark , or fast and convenient , are equivalent at the type level ; only that on some particular occasion of use , as here , they may be regarded by speaker , or copywriter , as equivalent .
20 It is also possible to set drivers a distracting task — for instance , a led on the car dashboard may light occasionally , requiring the driver to push a switch to cancel it .
21 The method of netting was to set nets the full length of the wood from the stream , some 500 yards ( 450 metres ) or so .
22 Second , is the period for which the seller promises to remedy defects a reasonable one given the nature of the goods and any other relevant factors under the contract ?
23 The FBI has been summoned several times to tackle problems the local police could not handle .
24 ( 2 ) A general immunity , possessed by all persons and bodies , from being compelled on pain of punishment to answer questions the answers to which may incriminate them .
25 ( 2 ) A general immunity , possessed by all persons and bodies , from being compelled on pain of punishment to answer questions the answers to which may incriminate them .
26 Even people who claim to remember dreams every morning only recall their most recent dream , and any dreams they may have had during the two or three REM periods earlier in the night , or even during REM sleep , are completely lost .
27 Pravda noted the heavy responsibilities that party papers had to accept in these difficult times , and charged that the Andreeva letter was in effect an attempt , ‘ little by little ’ , to reverse decisions the party had already taken .
28 When in doubt , and given a choice of bud direction , always choose to prune standards a little harder rather than softer than bushes .
29 If the language were extended to include vectors the situation would be more difficult , and some of our laws would have to include exception conditions .
30 You will , however , probably need to draw your own soft furnishings , since our colonial cousins seem to favour settees the size of a stuntman 's soft landing pad .
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