Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] from " in BNC.

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1 In those days they did n't use mileometers , what they did was they took any particular route number and the number of journeys they did , because in those days a bus kept on a route which applied , say between Witton and Rushmere Heath all day , did n't run around like they do nowadays and erm when the schedules were prepared , each bus had got a route number or was placed on a route number , say one Witton , two Witton , three Witton and a copy of its schedule was recorded on another sheet and the mileage , having known what the mileage was and we 'd used to obtain that from the Borough Surveyor 's Department , er I think it was about nine point one four miles a return trip Witton and Rushmere Heath , er you 'd work out how many journeys they did there and say well that bus was due to run a hundred and twenty six miles during the day .
2 This is simply saying that each market participant , in laying his buying or selling plans , must pay careful heed not only to the prospective decisions of those to whom he hopes to sell or from whom he hopes to buy — as an implication of the latter — also to the prospective decisions of others whose decisions to sell or to buy may compete with his own .
3 They were despatched exactly to schedule and from that date further deliveries were also made exactly to programme .
4 This is a comprehensive slide collection of illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators they consider to be most suitable for a particular job .
5 This is a comprehensive slide collection of illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators they consider to be most suitable for a particular job .
6 Erm , we called a lodge meeting before the annual leave , annual shutdown , and in that lodge meeting all three quarries agreed to go on a work to rule as from the resumption of work , which is second week of August .
7 Increasing costs and declining profits forced him to borrow and from 1819 until 1827 Curwen owed more than £120,000 .
8 Oh mother used to go and from different farms you know .
9 Our impact on industry through our green works campaign is there for all to see and from that point of view to encase it within the health and safety review is vitally important for all of us when we take the policy back to our members and advise them of the way in which we intend to go forward .
10 ‘ I want to hear that from Garry , and I intend to see him , with or without your co-operation . ’
11 I would like to announce that from now certain major sponsorship opportunities are opening up on this page .
12 At Speech Day in that year the Headmaster was able to announce that from September the School would be fully co-educational , in fulfilment of the plan announced five years earlier .
13 It arises from the failure of the lecturer to tell the class in advance what he is to discuss and from the student thus being unable to read in advance the relevant pages in the textbooks .
14 Couple this with a quality assessment system which is riddled with jargon and technical description and the caterer has a hard time deciding what he or she is going to buy and from which company .
15 The United Kingdom informed the Commission of the measures which it was to apply as from 1 January 1986 with regard to fishing licences ( measures which were the subject of Reg. v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , Ex parte Agegate Ltd .
16 Workers and employers have been plunged by extrinsic forces into a suboptimal state in which neither group wishes to remain but from which they are powerless to extricate themselves .
17 Parties will suffer as much from supporters who do n't turn out to vote as from those who have switched allegiance : perhaps we loathsome glitterati can help there ?
18 Advertisements inviting applications from individuals wishing to job-share or from a pair prepared to share with each other should be prepared for local distribution .
19 The answer to the third is that the Criminal Justice Act 1991 introduced new guidelines which can be passed from the magistrates to the social services to ensure that from October this year juveniles can be remanded in custody under certain conditions not previously available to the courts .
20 When you tip the seed from the packet it is hard to believe that from almost every one a plant will arise , so do not let them fall too thickly into the soil .
21 I am much induced to believe that from an examination of the foreign correspondence of that Society ( of which W. Watson of Bartlett 's Buildings is sollicitor ) [ sic ] some traces might be found which might lead to discover some of Mr. Stone 's accomplices .
22 But it would be a mistake to believe that from the beginning Baldwin exercised all the power and merely allowed MacDonald to sit in impotent glory in 10 Downing Street .
23 Imagine having to lift that from a
24 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
25 to sing and from time to time all from
26 He saw no reason to add that from now on , her body would break down : she would gradually become slower in her movements , she would tire more easily and lack stamina , and she would probably have another stroke in seven years ' time — at the latest .
27 And having that mathematical description allows us to change that from summing all the N tuple to doing a product of all N tuple .
28 There 's a batch mark which should give you the date of manufacture , but you 'd have to get that from the factory , or perhaps through the Ministry of Defence .
29 Novels are much more difficult to place and from a new writer , publishers normally want to see the whole book .
30 Finally , Ronchey has obviously decided that the warding profession nationally needed smartening up , so he has taken the opportunity of his decree , which by Anglo-Saxon standards is astonishingly dirigiste in its detail , to order that from now onwards warders are to wear summer and winter uniforms ‘ in conformity with suitable models ’ .
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