Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone wants to be able to design and create something with an individual touch , whether it 's an outfit to wear or soft furnishings for the home .
2 There 's another thing what we 'd have all said when we got , you 'd have said it over the years yourself , erm , well just ring in and we 'll give you the price , you know , and if we kind of touch up to contract or flat rate or whatever is the way to get ahead , or you get whatever , ring Linda , or ring Jane and she says right , and we 've said that for years ,
3 Tares fix nitrogen and have a good fibrous root system which helps to improve heavy clay soils , preferring these to light or very acid soils .
4 Lal rode them , so neatly and prettily , on as many days in a hunting season as her box could carry them to near or far-distant meets .
5 In ‘ thin-soiled ’ Attica ( Thuc. i.2 ) the olive was unusually important : its deep roots could penetrate the subsoil and get into the rocks , enabling the tree to thrive where other plants could not .
6 She could no doubt be taught to sew or clean things .
7 In this way a knowledge of the patterning of events makes possible ‘ a mutual understanding of individuals and the impulses of aid to mate or young are thereby transformed into sympathetic actions ’ .
8 The rest is up to the children , music included ; as Runswick and music director Terry Edwards discovered on their rounds of the schools at an earlier stage in the project , the teachers had only to supervise , rarely to prompt or invent-solid preparation indeed for the GCSE 's new emphasis on composition .
9 The point of such clauses is to put the buyer in the position where his remedies for failure to perform or defective performance under the contract are limited in fact to compelling either proper performance under the contract ( by way of rework repair or replacement ) or the return of his money .
10 Liza burned her tongue , testing whether it would set or not , and being too greedy to taste or anxious to please .
11 Nonetheless , although for many people the rise in car ownership can be seen as a great success , for a significant minority either unable to drive or unable to afford a car , notably the old , the young , the unemployed , the housewife ( left at home without a car ) and the disabled the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in rural public transport , a concentration of services into ever more remote central places with increased journey lengths as shown in Table 6.1a , and a real sense of isolation and deprivation .
12 The only concession he made in Zaïs was to let Malherbe include in the preface the following statement : ‘ In the course of the work , M. Vincent d'Indy has thought it necessary to add certain viola parts , which are sometimes lacking in the original score , and to modify or complète wind parts that are too sketchily indicated ’ ( vol.16 , p.lviii ) .
13 In due course , they will suffer from the mood of ‘ time for a change ’ , either to consolidate or reverse policies , or from the rise of new issues .
14 Of all the varieties of patronage at the disposal of Scottish politicians , the most useful were those connected with taxation , for , quite apart from the undeniable opportunities for profit which might accrue to an official charged with the collection of public revenues , through his possession of such monies between the time of collection and the time of accounting for the receipts , the ability to increase or moderate one 's zeal was in itself a valuable asset for officers who were themselves often intimately involved in the political and social life of their communities .
15 Article 85(1) does not apply to total or partial concentrations as such unless they contain clauses giving rise to restrictions on competition .
16 This view is based on the weight which attaches to the processes by which decisions are reached as well as to the content of the decisions made , that is to process or procedural rather than end-state principles .
17 They climbed higher than any other birds , it seemed ; they ascended into the limitless blue until they became lost to sight or mere specks , drifting round and round in a free flight in which their wings scarcely seemed to move .
18 The Company 's policy and practice is to encourage where possible the recruitment , training and career development of disabled people and any employees who may become disabled .
19 Nevertheless , the Department of Health 's policy , as reiterated in a letter to Newcastle Health Authority in 1992 by Stephen Dorrell , states ‘ Health authorities do , however , have — and will continue to have — a responsibility to provide or secure long term care for those people who need it by reason of the predominance of their continuing ill health . ’
20 Inflation reached levels beyond the control of the authorities , and mines and bakeries were among the few concerns continuing to operate , as workers did not arrive to work or raw materials were lacking .
21 Information is usually difficult to obtain or unreliable in less-developed countries , and the problem is obtaining enough of it that is relevant and trustworthy .
22 lone mothers were less likely to work than married mothers 42 per cent compared with 54 per cent ;
23 Lone mothers are less likely to work than married mothers .
24 The evidence suggests that lone fathers are more likely to work than lone mothers ; indeed their working hours are similar to those of fathers in two parent families .
25 But the judge was prepared to accept that due to extreme financial problems Mrs Fitchew behaved out of character .
26 IT MAY surprise Tony Parsons to know that real feminists have more important things to do than comment on the way he holds a teapot .
27 How was I to know that stupid woman would call the police ? ’
28 Well , she was a doctor , and she knew enough about human physiology to know that healthy men and women sometimes reacted to each other in the most devastating ways .
29 We are not to know that new methods of correlation will not he developed ( as spores , hystrichospheres , etc. , have been developed in recent years ) to correlate the least promising.looking formations , Ultimately perhaps we shall have a little black box into which we only have to pop our rock specimen for its age to he read automatically on a dial .
30 Film crazed insomniacs will be pleased to know that Vokani Film Circuit is continuing its tradition of organising a BLACK FILM ALL NIGHTER at the Triangle .
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