Example sentences of "[to-vb] [be] take " in BNC.

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1 The practical effects of this regulation were to cause many students to register for 12 modules but participate seriously in only 10 ; to cause them to stack their choices , so that modules which they needed or intended to pass were taken in terms 1 and 2 , and to bias apparent but not real demand towards term 3 .
2 In other words , to slim is to take a rational decision with a conscious aim in view .
3 These may be referred to , and selected works obtained , from public lending libraries , before any decision to purchase is taken .
4 The decision to sell was taken a year before the deal was done and the company looked at 11 different suitors before picking Shandwick .
5 In complex market economies , where the decision to produce and the decision to consume are taken by different people at different points in time , it is important for manufacturers to have some idea of the likely demand for products .
6 Those who are still in a state to require being taken care of by others must be protected against their own actions as well as against external injury .
7 Companies have shouldered too much debt , to play their own financial games or to avoid being taken over ; the balance of risk and reward has become skewed ; the ethics of advisers and intermediaries have come into question ; the market has departed from good sense and sound financial principles , and has passed , with Alice , into a looking-glass world in which words , prices and obligations mean only what people claim they mean , nothing more .
8 Equally important , how many of them will be strong enough to avoid being taken over by foreign companies in the long run ?
9 To avoid being taken to the cleaners , Which ? suggested the best way of getting good results was to hire a firm recommended by word of mouth .
10 In order to avoid being taken to have accepted a seller 's terms by accepting a delivery note , the buyer may arrange for its warehouse staff to acknowledge receipt of goods delivered by issuing a form referring to its own terms ; alternatively , it may stamp the seller 's delivery note with a receipt referring to its own terms , which may be effective to incorporate them if the stamp is legible .
11 They believe the decision to buy was taken on straightforward commercial grounds .
12 All you need to do is to take the polls in the week a Prime Minister calls an election and you have the subsequent result .
13 All we 've got to do is to take his fingerprints and compare them with the beauties on this envelope .
14 Now all you have to do is to take the model up to a safe height , roll it inverted and flip the switch .
15 What I want to do is to take all the best elements , like live strings , and recreate them . ’
16 The last thing an executive search consultant wants to do is to take on an assignment which is not achievable and which he or she can not complete .
17 In any French town of any size at all we find perhaps three or four rival charcutiers displaying trays of shining olives , black and green , large and small , pickled gherkins , capers , home-made mayonnaise grated carrot salad , shredded celeriac in rémoulade sauce , several sorts of tomato salad , sweet-sour onions , champignons à la Grecque , ox or pig 's muzzle finely sliced and dressed with a vinaigrette sauce and fresh parsley , a salad of mussels , another of cervelas sausage ; several kinds of pork pâté ; sausages for grilling , sausages for boiling , sausages for hors-d'oeuvre , flat sausages called cré pinettes for baking or frying , salt pork to enrich stews and soups and vegetable dishes , pigs ' trotters ready cooked and breadcrumbed , so that all you need to do is to take them home and grill them ; cooked ham , raw ham , a galantine of tongue , cold pork and veal roasts , boned stuffed ducks and chickens So it is n't difficult for the housewife in a hurry to buy a little selection , however modest , of these things from the charcuterie , and plus her own imagination and something she has perhaps already in the larder to serve an appetizing and fresh little mixed hors-d'oeuvre .
18 What I would like to do is to take you through some of the issues we tried to work through .
19 The most destructive thing to do is to take complicated swing theory or swing movements onto the golf course .
20 Most of us have possessions we want , or have to go on using , so the best thing to do is to take a very positive attitude and use them as jumping-off points .
21 I mean and I think it is the lack of the regulate the er the regulatory control of city actions , I mean one of the points that we 've been recently been advised on is that one of the city institutions which has already been er fined , er from its London office on a technicality is in effect the New York and London offices are deemed to be one entity and I think that er what we 've been advised is that erm I forget the phrase , I wrote it down here somewhere , that what we would be advised to do is to take action against that particular city institution in New York , because that er it is deemed that the London and New York actions are in fact one and that the that er what in fact the er and I think the f yes , there it is , that , that in a way though what we 've been advised is that the basis of that action would be that the organisations London and New York operations are essentially the same operation and bound by a strict know your customer rule as mandated by U S Securities Law , you know .
22 What we 're going to do is take you to the nearest place you can get a bus .
23 What God wants to do is take these little deaths in our lives and turn them into fruitfulness .
24 All you have to do is take a stroll down the high street .
25 ‘ All you have to do is take out the midrange fleck . ’
26 All you have to do is take up to four photo 's of your grounds , window boxes or flower tubs and send to Link editor .
27 We 've got in the new format sixty of the new new format but what we have been able to do is take elements of the new re-fitted stores and put those for instance erm Pronto we 've managed to take those and re-fit them separately but the actual new concept stores sits at about sixty-odd stores and currently what we 're doing is to check the that we have had a a re-fits this year erm where we 've taken space for other sub-lets where put the new concept back to but as far as the go in majority of the chain now we have most of the major elements i.e an upholstery area bed area Pronto representation and indeed the re-fit that was discussed in the Chairman 's statement the kitchen and bedroom re-fit erm was applicable to all stores so all of the stores have got new kitchens and bedrooms in
28 The other thing I 've got to do is take a photograph .
29 I was talking on Sue , I was saying if you 've got a client who did n't give you the convenient forty two pounds , but said you 'd got forty or thirty pounds to spend , the first thing you 've got to do is take off the two pounds policy fee , so you 're left in this case , with thirty eight pounds .
30 The bottom half of the page is how much she gets for every ten pounds she 's got to spend , but before we find out she 's got to spend , what we 've got to do is take off the policy fee .
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