Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 While their relationship managed to remain friendly they saw each other less and less in the years to come .
2 You see that was to see that you know there was n't any , yes .
3 To realize this it is only necessary to look at the current pattern of ownership of the press , television and radio outside public-sector broadcasting .
4 To confirm this we have to pause and look back from the road to Aubeterre as it climbs the eastern slope of the valley of the Tude , just as Pound must have paused in 1911 ; and then we see that , whereas the modern town of Chalais is in the river bottom , old Chalais , a manorial village grouped round the gate of the château , does indeed stand on the ridge behind , so that the tops of the tallest poplars by the river wave just below the walls of the château .
5 To see this we need to look more closely at the essentially simple idea , taken from mathematics , of the property space .
6 To accommodate this you will receive the minutes of all meetings and agendas .
7 They want to know that you know it , and they want to feel confident that if they ask you question you can answer it , but they very much want to know what it does for them and how much it 's going to cost them basically .
8 She does n't want you to know that you know she what she thought about you
9 So as not to appear over-conspicuous they must unclip their bulky shoulder pauldrons , unstrap their greaves , and discard their eagle-plastrons .
10 ‘ It seems — to me-the least she can do , really .
11 We are spending now , if this budget is accepted , a mere eleven percent of the standard spending assessment levels which means that in time we are going to get down to where the government is going to demand that we .
12 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
13 Forty-five minutes after agreeing to write this I was down on the bridge at Abingdon watching the sun set across the Thames .
14 To counteract this I propose that all classroom teachers be sent a questionnaire on such matters as classroom teaching methods , discipline problems , alternative views etc .
15 By defining retirement as coterminous with dependency , the ‘ structured dependency ’ authors inevitably see the trend towards earlier retirement as regrettable , but in fact it need not be so : this depends on the extent to which retirement leads subsequently to poverty in old age , and to discover this it is necessary to look at the other three main determinants of the financial status of the elderly .
16 At the far end , once again my , detector gave a nice small signal , quite different from the copper halfpennies , and as I dug down to retrieve this I had some idea in mind that this might be a hammered .
17 To find this they enlisted the help of the oldest inhabitant , Betty Bell , who prodded about the village green with her stick .
18 He 's still trying to find some he 's phoned a bloke in Plymouth see if he can get them .
19 To obtain this you must have flown a minimum of 35 hours and there are medical exams and ground exams to be taken .
20 If you want to obtain some you could write to Wigston Lures , 63 High Street , New Norfolk , Tasmania , Australia .
21 To establish 1.9.16 we make some definitions and proofs relating to Z[x] .
22 Not wanting to appear rude we ploughed our way through a bucket between us and then left while we could still walk .
23 To obtain these it is possible to ask the court to order discovery .
24 To find these we simply read the steps of the Euclidean Algorithm in 1.4.7(i) backwards , as follows .
25 Somehow , she had a need to know all she could about him — and in there lay the conflict — because whatever she would have asked , or learned , was not for any write-up which she might hand over to her sister for her use , but was private and personal , and for her alone .
26 Have you got to know all you want ?
27 I need to know all you know about Cawthorne . ’
28 He sat on the edge of the bed and began to recite all he knew as if memorising some poem : ‘ Buckingham dies , the agents die , garrotted to death . ’
29 And you 've got to pass all them , plus your two skills to get the diploma .
30 An airline is to increase all it 's fares by seventeen percent .
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