Example sentences of "[pos pn] own [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But in so far as I achieve awareness from your viewpoint I feel the pull towards your goals , and even when I resist , I do so very much as I push away inclinations of my own which are dangerous to my long-term ambitions ; a choice between your goals and mine belongs among my choices of ends .
2 But I also discover both reactions of my own which are in their power , and reactions of theirs which are in mine , so that the drive towards sovereignty urges me , either to dominate , or to let myself be drawn to the viewpoint of the stronger and submit .
3 Finally , I shall turn to a religious position such as my own which is not Christian , though religious and within the western tradition , in which the present is normative and the past is only drawn upon in so far as that seems to be appropriate .
4 Some work of my own which uses the telephone and takes advantage of recent advances in discourse analysis will be presented , and the idea of a communicative support system will be put forward as a possible explanation of the findings obtained .
5 I brought the boat back from Bilbao in Spain on my own which took five days .
6 This sweeping and quite unsubstantiated assertion is but one man 's opinion and has no more weight than another 's , for example , my own which is completely contrary .
7 We have to say the English one and I hate saying da-da-da so I make my own one , an Indian prayer and say it .
8 ‘ But I do n't want a beautiful new bicycle — I want my own one , ’ I said .
9 I said I did n't want his name any more , I 'd use my own one .
10 That was that was the other thing when you filled in the C C Q , that 's when I filled in my own one , you put in the death
11 I have to do my own one
12 Only my own what I put in , no .
13 When I first set up home on my own I had so many bits of ill-assorted furniture that various friends and relatives had given me , that it was difficult to ever imagine having a beautiful home .
14 Looking at the way other people did it and sort of experimenting on my own I came up with a combination that worked .
15 I think I will be a very unconventional mother , and having two daughters of my own I am appalled by the cost that this is going to erm
16 You know I was completely on my own I , I 'd got to make my own decisions .
17 Irina is right to say that when I lived on my own I was a lonely man .
18 After one day on my own I am put back on trainee status .
19 Yes , yes , it does n't compete with the fireplace , we have a , a , er mock fire in there you know , normally in the winter that , that 's on and it looks , it 's very realistic , it almost looks as if it is a fire glowing all the time cos there 's a rotary spinner in it and it flickers , er , and er the room is very warm because it 's central heated anyway and , no I would n't say , it never bothers me the television , I do n't suppose that er , if I were left on my own I 'd hardly have it left on you know I think men watch television more than women .
20 The first day I could walk on my own I walked out .
21 And the thing is with my kids , if I was in the car on my own I could imagine chatting away
22 Ooh I thought he was going to , ooh I felt made me go cold and I I thought if , if I had n't been here on my own I 'd have been very tempted to go round and and say is there anything I can do .
23 you know , but I 'm there on my own I can pot do my hair , do what I wan na do go up the stairs , have a bath , you know , just do what I , drop my clothes where I wan na drop them and everything .
24 I saw her and I , I be honest with you I hid , I be totally honest and I 'll tell her the same if I see her because I 've just found out then that they could n't do any more for me dad and I really did n't want to speak or see anybody and I sat in the canteen on my own , I just said to me mum , mum on the phone I said mum I need to do this on my own I said I 'm just gon na have a coffee in the cafeteria and I do n't know if you 've been in there but the cafeteria is all glass and she pulled up in a white van delivering something to the office , I thought oh no it 's Jenny she 's the last bleeding person I want there , I do n't mean that
25 Oh if I was me and I was on my own I 'd ha I 'd have to have the telly in the bedroom .
26 a room of my own I think it was , it
27 Well I think they 're so , my own I do n't mind paying a bit more for really , because they 're so last me such a long while .
28 I 've got my own I choose when to shut up .
29 That 's why when I , when I go round the video shop on my own I usually go Jordans .
30 Cos I do n't like going in there on my own I feel intimidated .
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