Example sentences of "[subord] do [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Because of their low ratings , some of America 's biggest banks pay more for short- and long-term funds than do their industrial customers .
2 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
3 It should be made clear that this is on a completely self-financing basis and that at an increasing number of dinners spouses now attend the dinner rather than do their own thing .
4 It is possible that some Latin American judgements that Soviet goods are uncompetitive are founded in the belief that Soviet producers take less trouble over ‘ aesthetic ’ qualities , such as finish , than do their Western rivals .
5 Instead , girls who marry or begin sexual congress before or around puberty tend to experience a longer interval between marriage or conjugal union and first birth than do their counterparts who marry later .
6 It has been observed , for example , that British firms find it easier to persuade workers to accept redundancies but harder to obtain flexibility of working practices and job demarcations than do their French counterparts .
7 Oh cos do My Little Pony some time ago though , frantically looking for a pattern you know a magazine or something .
8 The Tiger Fish originates from the Amazon , as do its distant cousins the Piranhas , and other members of the Characin family ( yes , that includes Neon Tetras ) .
9 Carmarthen 's street scenes reflect bygone years as do its placenames .
10 They read publications that keep them abreast of market trends , personalities , lawsuits and prices — rather than delving into art history as do their counterparts in Europe .
11 For predators make just as much use of camouflage as do their prey .
12 The financial problems of the elderly differ from one person to another as widely as do their health problems , so it is not possible to lay down any hard and fast rules , or to produce any magical solutions .
13 This has grave consequences for their children who ‘ do not learn as much from their mothers as do their middle-class counterparts ’ ( ibid . ) .
14 As do their land and sea counterparts , air carriers delegate the power to issue waybills to various types of agents .
15 Contracted out workers pay a rate of National Insurance contribution reduced by 2% , as do their employers .
16 The contexts in which they work vary , as do their personal and professional backgrounds .
17 Shakespeare 's dramas of Hamlet , Romeo and Juliet and Othello have many subtle touches of humour and tenderness , as do his lighter works such as A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
18 Of course the daft names of so many of his pieces feed the myth as do his occasional forays into what can seem like a kind of proto-minimalism .
19 As do his shoes .
20 As do your bodyguards . ’
21 He said : ‘ I support this club , as do my six-year-old and 12-year-old sons , and I believe in its future .
22 Of course tiredness affects it as do my periods and the time of the day even .
23 More recently Gallop has remarked her suspicion of the wish to deny sexual difference because it ‘ might be but another mode of denying women ’ , adding : ‘ I distrust male homosexuals because they choose men over women just as do our social and political institutions , but they too share in the struggle against bipolar gender constraints , against the compulsory choice of masculine or feminine ’ ( Thinking through the Body , 1 13 ) .
24 Thus we have suspicion , confusion and misunderstanding , for the mental meaning underlying words varies , as do our habituated beliefs .
25 Our doctors and nurses need far more counselling in this area , as do our social workers and priests .
26 Above all he becomes a technician of controlled trance , to which he then surrenders totally — perhaps rather unknowingly as do our greatest actors and musicians .
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