Example sentences of "[subord] have been " in BNC.

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1 The election here has been fought on more fundamental issues than have been allowed to surface in England : in particular , the constitution .
2 The resources of the NVC were limited , and they were not able to survey every vegetation type in the Outer Hebrides , so it is quite possible that there are more communities present than have been recorded .
3 In the event , in a number of rural areas small-scale operators have managed to provide services at cheaper costs than have been managed by larger national firms , mainly because of lower overheads .
4 The differences between Blacks and Whites were fewer than have been found in other surveys , though Blacks ' attitudes tended to be less favourable .
5 More working days were lost because of strikes in the last 12 months of the last Labour Government than have been lost in all the last five years put together .
6 The shipwrights of Exeter , for example , bound themselves in 1766 not to work for masters who were seeking to employ them at " less wages than have been from time immemorially paid to journeymen shipwrights " , to " deprive " them of " several of their ancient rights and privileges " and to impose longer hours than had been " usual and customary " .
7 We can be producing the same quantity of electronics goods , of many household appliances and so on , with many fewer workers than have been used in past .
8 Furthermore I am , frankly , rather sceptical about the significance , for the teaching of languages , of such insights and understanding as have been attained by linguistics and psychology .
9 As in Donegal , such victories as have been won have resulted from a unified community opposition and through direct action .
10 It would appear that the criteria for appropriate technology ( as have been proposed here ) are not easy to meet .
11 Yet there still remains Peter Golding 's interesting finding : in the past ten years ( through such surveys as have been carried out , which are not many and with no great scientific basis ) , there has been a consistent public appreciation of social work , even though the public has equally consistently held social workers in low esteem , below teachers , doctors , and nurses .
12 Ramon considers that there were in fact similar political obstacles to the achievement of mental hospital closures in Italy as have been found in Britain .
13 As Italy 's financial year closes at the end of the calendar year and money can not be held over from one year to the next , there is not enough time to distribute and use such funds as have been allocated .
14 If a large number of As have been observed under a wide variety of conditions , and if all those observed As without exception possessed the property B , then all As have the property B.
15 If you do not know where your subject is located , use the index volumes 41–42 to the 3rd edition and the index to such of the volumes of the 4th edition as have been published .
16 Moreover , numerical examples , experimental games , and such empirical case studies as have been carried out ( see , for example , Rees , 1993 ) seem to suggest that typically punishments far outweigh the gains to short-run deviation for empirically reasonable discount rates and so it is really not hard to explain collusion .
17 Now each of the main bridges and principal crossroads is decorated with a gallows and the dangling body of such robbers as have been caught red-handed .
18 Users often approach information sources not with names ( as have been considered in Part II ) , but with a question that requires an answer or a topic for study .
19 Such general reviews as have been attempted have not considered all the evidence available .
20 It could be argued that interviews with competent librarians and subject specialists in these fields , or even examination of the holdings lists of specialist libraries in these subjects , would have produced exactly the same journal lists as have been arrived at by co-citation analysis , at a much lower cost .
21 Now remember I am the leader of a party that has been in the front line against his violence for twenty years , and have been at many risks , as have been members of my party , but when I say that that dialogue is the best hope they 've seen for peace for twenty years .
22 Normally , edges would have associated with them a confidence score ; however for sake of clarity these have been omitted as have been some of the edges which would otherwise have been created .
23 How however , I mean from a a broader point of view I think I would have some general reservations as have been confessed previously by Mr Earle and and Mr Jewitt .
24 In in not supporting the application of such a policy to Ryedale district , I 'm not by any means saying that the district council would never support erm such elephants as er as have been referred to .
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