Example sentences of "[subord] make it " in BNC.

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1 But we usually work it into the show format somewhere , rather than make it a part of the news .
2 And rather than make it into a viable erm , organization .
3 Mr Johnson says : ‘ I think they like a little bit of human intervention at the final stage , rather than making it too automated . ’
4 The West has opted for letting it happen rather than making it happen
5 But erm I do n't think that the town show perhaps I was I 'm prejudiced to the fact that , that we 'll be losing money rather than making it but it was n't anything like we put on for entertainment !
6 It is best to prepare the system before starting to draft , rather than making it up as sub-divisions arise during the drafting .
7 Well it 's better than making it all up .
8 ‘ Why else did you tell me about Cherith — except to make it clear that nothing was on offer here except a little temporary pleasure ?
9 If making it more fun is bringing it up to date then I 'm all in favour
10 This particular interpretation of the word ‘ object ’ was invented as if to make it virtually some sort of fetish , serving as a basis for an entire movement ; and that is what is interesting : found objects , this object , that object .
11 The Employment Appeal Tribunal has said that it is impossible to itemise every circumstance that amounts to a breach of natural justice , while making it clear that , for example , a manager should not normally act both as ‘ witness and judge ’ in the procedure leading to a decision to dismiss .
12 The interior spaces of the wedge-shaped building were converted to suit their new function by artists Robert Irwin and Richard Fleischner , with architect David Raphael Singer , whose particular brief was to retain the all-glass walls of the building while making it a suitable and secure venue for displaying works of art .
13 While making it easier for people to build up considerable capital assets , and to pass these on intact , the Government has taken a number of measures that have allowed many people to acquire capital assets for the first time .
14 More influential , and more in conformity with Keynesian orthodoxy , were those economists who argued that income restraint was necessary to bring unemployment and inflation into balance , and to prevent Britain 's balance of payments getting out of hand as rising wages led us to import goods we could ill afford while making it more difficult to sell things .
15 So , if you feel strongly about male babysitters , speak out — while making it clear that it 's not personal , it 's just for the sake of your peace of mind .
16 Robert had still not been able to discover the headmaster 's first name , although on occasions Malik had asked to be addressed as Abdul , while making it clear that this was not his name .
17 Other may sit there stubbornly waiting for you to tell them what they are meant to do whilst making it abundantly clear that the session is hardly welcome , indeed is being conducted almost under duress .
18 She eventually decided to embark on a degree in business studies , and in the meantime , to move in with Jim ‘ to see whether to make it permanent or split up ’ .
19 They talked about how to write The Yellow Chair , whether to make it stark and classical by keeping the unities , restricting the action to the terrible days of the battle with Gauguin , or whether to make it episodic and epic , to introduce Theo at least and maybe other figures , even the looming pastor from Nuenen .
20 They talked about how to write The Yellow Chair , whether to make it stark and classical by keeping the unities , restricting the action to the terrible days of the battle with Gauguin , or whether to make it episodic and epic , to introduce Theo at least and maybe other figures , even the looming pastor from Nuenen .
21 ‘ It 's the nature of our business that we will lose money as well as make it .
22 Harrods sent me a tiny twist of the stuff and I can report that when made it is extraordinarily clear and pale .
23 Such reformers usually saw themselves as making it possible for the Masai to survive as a race : getting obsessed with the Masai was not inherently a passive occupation .
24 For him , the sense of a sentence is determined by the sorts of situation we count in favour of the sentence being true , in such a way that the sentence with that sense ( i.e. as we understand it ) can not be false if the sort of situation we count as making it true occurs .
25 ‘ But we do not proceed on some of the grounds mentioned at the bar , such as the effect of the plaintiff 's alteration of the instrument as making it void , or that the defendant thereby lost his right to contribution from the joint makers of the note ; nor on any doctrine as to the relation of principal and surety .
26 They brighten up the room as well as making it more ‘ cosy ’ … quite ruined .
27 A modern kitchen is often top of the list of home-improvement priorities — and will add considerably to the value of the home as well as making it more attractive when you come to sell your property .
28 As well as making it possible to see in the dark , thermal imagers penetrate mist , smoke and the lighter fogs .
29 Making the new situation attractive is not the same as making it seem attractive .
30 Every part of the business is expected to perform henceforward — no longer will the investment of more money be relied upon as making it work better in the future .
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