Example sentences of "[subord] make [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Those with a taste for the bizarre could do worse than make their first night 's stop at the Madonna Inn , ready for a tour of the Hearst Castle next day .
2 It was somehow better than making her own suppositions , which seemed to take an awful amount of energy and caused a lot of stress .
3 Putting it right will cost always a lot more than making your will .
4 ‘ I 'd rather see you like that than making my bed for me , ’ said John .
5 Banks wishing to lend less would use lower rates to broaden the spread between their lending rates and the rates they pay depositors , rather than to make their loans cheaper .
6 The union is as yet unconvinced that BT 's intentions are to use the robots for nothing more than to make their members ' jobs ‘ more interesting ’ .
7 How can we justify rich landowners taking public handouts while making their farmworkers redundant ?
8 She 'd be an idiot to imagine anything else , she decided , while making her way to the filing cabinet .
9 Another significant filmmaker who came out of television was Ken Russell , who continued working on his imaginative TV interpretations of the lives of such composers as Elgar , Delius and Richard Strauss while making his first , uneven , forays into cinema with French Dressing ( 1963 ) and Billion Dollar Brain ( 1965 ) .
10 Clarke explains his mysteries right into the ground , even while making his astronomical facts blossom .
11 If you have been ‘ holding off ’ while making your mind up , the blade speed may have decayed to a very low level which will make things even worse .
12 For weeks we bumped into strange doors whilst making our way to bathroom and toilet in the dark .
13 What kind of hypocrisy allows you to ( presumably ) condemn a similarly degrading portrayal of women , whilst making your page a forum for this cartoon ?
14 The other lad who made a commitment came as a non-believer but was willing to come along with an open mind and on studying the gospels came to believe Jesus was indeed who he said he was and shortly after made his commitment .
15 Herbert Kretzmer wrote in the Daily Express , ‘ Whether making his entrance by parachute , dancing like Fred Astaire , or impersonating Elvis Presley in a loud , long rock number , Crawford rides triumphantly to stardom .
16 It was breathtakingly beautiful , but the sheer drop left them with no option but to make their way into the forest to bypass the hazard before heading back to the river again .
17 I was unsure whether to make her Northern , like my own mother , which works wonderfully well with Zelma-like lines , eg. ‘ If you were me , would you wear the blue dress with the beading that everyone 's seen me in , or the new one I 've kept hanging up for two years ? ’ or ‘ Sha n't I buy the beef , then ?
18 The judges may even take the owner 's appearance into consideration when making their minds up !
19 But they were clearly under considerable stress when making their decision , which involved refusing consent for a vital operation for a baby with no other problems than those associated with Down 's Syndrome ; problems which once the operation had been conducted , would not prevent the child from an average life .
20 The incorporation of the European Convention into British law would mean that British judges would be bound to consider these principles when making their judgements .
21 And grasp the value of exclusive partnership more than they ever could when making their marriage vows .
22 The Regional Committees will be informed immediately of this selection so that they can take it into account when making their own choices .
23 It was pointed out that the official procedure for collating Garden computer equipment bids remained within the remit of cost centre managers , who are asked to submit supplementary estimates when making their own Departmental submissions .
24 Apart from the information arising from your analysis what other information would you advise the bank to consider when making their decision .
25 Voters are given only part of the story when making their decisions .
26 The determination of the effect of the rules made by regulatory bodies operating in the public law sphere on common law and equitable rights and duties depends on two factors : ( 1 ) whether the regulatory bodies have been given authority to make rules altering private law rights ; and ( 2 ) if there is such authority , whether they have in fact exercised it when making their rules .
27 In response to the report , the Department of Health said that ’ people are told there is a very small risk associated with the polio vaccine … and that this should be part of the equation when making their decision . ’
28 Nor , it seems , did he think it necessary to tell Mr. Small that Matadial had adhered to her statement in this respect when making her addendum in May .
29 Margaret Thatcher is supposed to have applied the acid test of ‘ Is he one of us ? ’ when making her senior appointments .
30 It is significant that the two largest warts are positioned on either side of the top of its thick neck — precisely the place where a cat likes to sink its fangs when making its killing bite .
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