Example sentences of "[subord] you so " in BNC.

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1 And your sister 's ten years older than you so they must 've been there ten years plus , must n't they ?
2 Right okay so you so I asked are you happy with the twenty four hour clock you say no and then you know it .
3 A solicitor or accountant can act as an Executor if you so wish .
4 If you so much as parked on a yellow line they stuffed a mortgage application under your windscreen wipers .
5 However , disputes arising out of , or in connection with , this contract which can not be amicably settled , may ( if you so wish ) be referred to arbitration under a special Scheme , which , though devised by arrangement with the Association of British Travel Agents , is administered quite independently by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators .
6 A gift shop , a snack bar and a petrol station is not exactly a model , thriving Highland community , and the disquieting feeling that these places now exist only to empty the contents of your wallet if you so much as slow down is not a pleasant one .
7 As Cromwell aptly said : ‘ Put your trust in God , if you so wish — but keep your powder dry . ’
8 c ) Receipt of your order on behalf of the operator of your choice will be acknowledged if you so request but please enclose the appropriate postage ( from overseas enclose an International Reply Coupon , two or more for AIRMAIL replies ) .
9 If you wish to start on another day , by all means do so ; simply change the order within the week if you so wish .
10 ‘ My steward shall take charge of the matter for you — if you so wish , ’ Elizabeth Mowbray interposed , as if she had already given thought to it .
11 If you so wish , yes .
12 Sit up straight , and hold on lightly to your ankles if you so wish .
13 ‘ You could be my designer if you so wished . ’
14 But of course could do so if you so wished .
15 The reference to ‘ ancient and approved custom ’ might have tempted ingenious demur by the bishops , but Edward left them in no doubt where their best interest lay : ‘ know for certain that if you so act , we shall forcefully seize your baronies . ’
16 ‘ You are coming home with me now , and if you so much as open that foul mouth of yours , I 'll beat you within an inch of your life . ’
17 ‘ You may have a doctor called if you so wish to take a sample of blood for the purpose of having it analysed to confirm the readings given by the machine .
18 So if you so much as look like you 're going soft on us I 'm gon na take you apart with my bare hands .
19 Well I 've got a supply of of questionnaires so er I 'm sorry if you so I 'll Come in .
20 Because you can remain in service until the age of sixty five , if you so choose erm and draw your pension , you do actually have to apply for normal age retirement .
21 It 's not actually automatic because you can stay in for those extra up up to five years if you so choose .
22 ‘ Get the good word to him if you so please , ’ he said amiably , ‘ and let him make himself scarce .
23 Even Wilbye did not disdain specific Italian models ; his ‘ Lady , your words do spite me ’ takes off from Ferrabosco 's ‘ Donna se voi m'odiate ’ which had appeared in Musica Transalpina as ‘ Lady , if you so spite me ’ : and once more the English monosyllables leave their stamp on the music .
24 Next day , at the mum-and-toddler group , your gentle , chatty child turns into a little monster : she spitefully destroys another child 's sandcastle , throws a tantrum when she ca n't have the toy she wants , or screams in terror if you so much as walk across the room away from her .
25 " Adrian , " she said in a level voice that surprised her , " if you so much as lay one finger on me , I swear I 'll tear you to pieces .
26 If you so much as loosen your seatbelt or drop your ash or pick your nose , then it 's an Alcatraz autopsy with the questions asked later .
27 There will be no jam on your bread today if you so much as lay a finger — ’
28 If you so much as whisper a word about Dame Agatha to the Lady Maeve , you will regret the day I ever plucked you out of Newgate ! ’
29 A solicitor can both draw up your will and act as your executor if you so wish .
30 My talk , if you so wish to interpret it , is a reaction to the somewhat sterile presentation of the language which I so often see in textbooks and curriculum documents .
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