Example sentences of "[subord] she say " in BNC.

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1 Oh , she had a pretty good idea : she only needed to go back to Felix Road or even Nelson Close , where she said she lived , to find out .
2 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
3 Although she says that it was not necessarily an easy step to take , her community was behind her , and the reactions she has had from friends and teachers have convinced her that the step she took was an important one , challenging stereotypes in the West about what it means to be a Muslim girl , and bringing her a great sense of identity and of no longer being at odds with herself .
4 The Abbess of Barking complained that her wood of Alderfen , belonging to her manor of Tollesbury , had been recalled into the Forest of Essex , ‘ although she says the wood is not in the forest and ought not to be ’ .
5 She is pleased for Naomi Campbell , although she says that she should ‘ remember where she came from .
6 She will listen to what each side has to say before deciding who to support on April 9 , although she says she is not keen on any of the three party leaders and preferred Margaret Thatcher to John Major .
7 But although she said it she could not be certain that it was true .
8 However , after Wakeham reported that support among backbenchers had collapsed during the day , perhaps by half , it was clear to those around Mrs Thatcher that , although she said she would sleep on it , she was virtually certain to resign .
9 After a while Jack bent over and listened , although she said , ‘ It does n't mean anything , love .
10 I thought she 'd be shocked but she was n't , although she said she thought I should try to forget him because it would only mean unhappiness for me . ’
11 Love at last , so she said .
12 It was n't enough for her , after spending the day on her own , hoovering , shopping and running the washing machine , so she said , for me to retell a couple of jokes from the Telegraph diary .
13 But she remembered in time that Gloria had warned her to mind her P's and Q's , so she said nothing .
14 Even so , she wanted to keep the peace so she said nothing when she got indoors .
15 Dorothy decided she had better not laugh this time , though she wanted to , so she said cautiously : ‘ I do n't know , Hank . ’
16 ‘ Andrew was a good bet , so she said yes to him instead . ’
17 She said many a wicked word , and many a cruel word ; she knew no virtue or goodness , she desired all wickedness ; like as the spirits tempted her to say and do , so she said and did ’ .
18 Maureen was very interested in buying a bird for herself , too , so she said , ‘ Ring him back , Jon , and get all the details .
19 So she said .
20 On the other hand , she did not know what else to say , so she said nothing .
21 Nevertheless it was not too dishonourable to keep this line of conversation from fading out , so she said , ‘ You do n't like them ? ’
22 She enjoyed playing wordgames , so she said , ‘ That 's an easy question . ’
23 She was not going to answer but he remained , so she said , ‘ It 's all right , David .
24 She could not remember any more words , so she said the first words again , quietly but very clearly .
25 She put it off because Christmas was coming up , and then Tony her boyfriend wanted to take her to Paris and she knew if she revealed her pregnancy she would n't be allowed to go , so she said nothing .
26 She had insisted on coming with me to refresh , so she said , her memory of that ghastly old trout .
27 But if Betty began to weep Lydia would be , in humanity , bound to put her arm about her in consolation ; so she said earnestly that she was suddenly terribly hungry and could it possibly be time for lunch .
28 Faced with Faye 's genuine kindness , which surfaced frequently to soften the more ruthless , temperamental side of her personality , Belinda could not admit that she did not feel comfortable in the dress , so she said quite sincerely , ‘ That 's so lovely of you , Faye .
29 Ken chatted Belinda up so she said she would n't come round any more , or so Brenda reported .
30 However , she knew that an answer was expected of her , so she said , ‘ Of course I have hopes .
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