Example sentences of "[subord] for [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Another outing we enjoyed was to Mayell 's Chocolate Factory , where for $2 you can tour the factory and eat as many of the products as you want .
2 Miss Havisham had died , and left all her fortune to Estella , except for £4000 , which Matthew Pocket inherited .
3 For most of my stillwater legering , except for carp , I favour a fixed paternoster rig .
4 Spread the sponge with the chocolate buttercream , covering all the sponge except for 1cm ( ½inch ) at one short end .
5 The only substantial aid received by the government so far had been $300,000,000 from the United States agreed by the US Congress in May 1990 [ see p. 37450 ] , which had been gradually disbursed , except for $50,000,000 which had been set aside for clearing debt arrears .
6 The cost of community care for action sample clients is of course higher than for people in the control samples because the cost of support worker time plus a proportion of the time of the development officers was included in the assessment of community service costs at the time of second and third assessments .
7 Furthermore , perhaps we should at least ask whether cremation is not really for the convenience of public health , efficiency , and land conservation rather than for people .
8 For the few people on low incomes who do have credit , paying it off tends to soak up more of their budget than for people with higher incomes .
9 Moreover , there are already other pressures towards monthly budgeting ( such as monthly rent or fuel payments ) ; these pressures are likely to set up more financial strain for people who get their pay weekly and spend it on a weekly basis than for people who get paid monthly .
10 The education and training of Health Care workers should include at least the possibility of working in partnership with people rather than for people , so that the experience of unlearning , deroling and relearning through which the family development nurses had to go in order to work effectively in this way with people , can be avoided .
11 Periods at risk under 40 were obviously shorter for both in migrants and out migrants and deaths than for people permanently resident throughout the study .
12 I 'd rather take the loss myself than for people to get you know rotten stuff .
13 Discipline , therefore , tended to be stricter for manual workers than for staff , immediate penalties more severe , and the amount of discretion allowed both to the employees and their supervisors much more limited .
14 erm clarification because for people like me that are interested in the total provision of employment land in the district , erm what I 'm hearing for example in the case of Harrogate is that there is an allocation of employment land of of sixty hectares plus the Greater York allocation .
15 There can be no progress while for sheep there are headage payments which simply prop up our less efficient competitors in mainland Europe .
16 Taking items at random , for 17 shillings one got a ‘ good inch elm Coffin , smoothed , oiled , and finished with one row round of black or white nails , a plate of inscription , four handles , lined and pillow ’ ; whilst for £9 one could buy the pièce de résistance , a ‘ 1½ inch Oak Case , covered with superfine cloth , finished three rows all round , and six ornamental diamonds , with best nails , lead or brass plate , glory and urn , four pairs of cherub handles , and four dozen rays or stars ’ .
17 The same as for N. graminea .
18 As for N. indicum
19 The same as for N. indicum .
20 As for minorities and boundaries between Croatia and Serbia , however , there has been a suggestion that President Tudjman of Croatia and President Milosevic of Serbia would agree to a peacekeeping force .
21 and as for £2.00 pocket money a week !
22 As for species origins , Lyell had argued against spontaneous generation and against new species arising by the modification ( ‘ transmutation ’ ) of older ones .
23 In the bar a decent onion soup was £2 ; ‘ oven baked ’ chicken ( where else , for heaven 's sake ) had a particularly good chasseur sauce , as for £6.75 it should have done .
24 As for cannon balls , canister , and so forth …
25 one of my sections in the subdivision is thinking of declaring UDI [ unilateral declaration of independence ] from the Divisional Headquarters … as for Headquarters and the Force organizational structure , well that 's just a joke as far as these men are concerned .
26 As for media prizes , ‘ There is only one qualification for a media award these days : the undermining of elected authority . ’
27 ‘ I mean , we 've never heard him DJing , we just really liked the stuff he 'd done with Primal Scream , and as for Fluke , well , we 'd heard a lot of really good things about them — plus they 're signed to Creation . ’
28 As far as any of them knew , the last elephant fights had taken place around the turn of the century in the princely states of Rajputana ; and as for partridge fights , said my friends , those sorts of Mughal traditions had all died out at Partition .
29 I remove the fry just before this stage ; gently syphoning them from their leaf , and then treating them as for fry hatched artificially .
30 As for 1d , this provides an example of a task most pupils successfully completed .
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