Example sentences of "[subord] where [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 He rarely wondered about others ' lives except where they touched his ; his mind was perpetually occupied with his own concerns .
32 The readings are of plant subjects except where they are labelled ‘ soil ’ and each reading is followed by a corresponding reading from a standard grey card , for example 0.22 ( 0.37 ) .
33 2 No forms , or tear off slips , originating from the other party should be returned — except where they have been read and a conscious decision is taken to accept any relevant terms .
34 Do not add fat to any of the food ( except where we have specified it ) , and preferably omit salt too .
35 The inability to convey accurate figures limits the use of pictograms except where we wish only to provide a general impression of a set of figures and where detail is not important .
36 There are also some there which er can or can not at your discretion for more than one year er terminology now being used about recurrent not recurrent expenditure , it 's up to you except where we are , you are resolving to recruit staff or reduce staff erm , it would be useful to have an indication from you as to whether you wish the money to be erm carried through until next year or whether you can see it as a one off .
37 ‘ ( 3 ) A person who has been released on bail in criminal proceedings and is under a duty to surrender into the custody of a court may be arrested without warrant by a constable — ( a ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is not likely to surrender to custody ; ( b ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is likely to break any of the conditions of his bail or has reasonable grounds for suspecting that that person has broken any of those conditions ; or … ( 4 ) A person arrested in pursuance of subsection ( 3 ) above — ( a ) shall , except where he was arrested within 24 hours of the time appointed for him to surrender to custody , be brought as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours after his arrest before a justice of the peace for the petty sessions area in which he was arrested ; and ( b ) in the said excepted case shall be brought before the court at which he was to have surrendered to custody .
38 And note 62/6/2 emphasises that ‘ the right of a mortgagee to his costs of a redemption or foreclosure suit is a matter of contract and not in the discretion of the court , except where he has ‘ unreasonably instituted or carried on or resisted any proceedings . ’ ’
39 The dust lay peacefully , except where he 'd actually trodden or pawed .
40 A Character Ballet is one in which classical technique is discarded except where it is used to depict particular and usually fantastic characters as for the dolls in Petrushka and La Boutique Fantasque .
41 Although in itself durable , polythene sheet could hardly be regarded as pleasing in the long term , except where it has been colour printed on commercial kites .
42 Once it was accepted that this kind of question could be raised , the way was open to the conclusion that the Bible should simply be treated as a collection of ancient religious literature with no special claims to be heard or accepted except where it happened to express some general religious ‘ principle ’ that could be recognised as universally valid — the kernel within the husk .
43 Alice 's body felt cold and closed-up and stiff except where it felt sore and vulnerable , and her mind felt sore all over .
44 It says , for example , you need documented work instructions except where it 's not necessary .
45 She was a large woman whose hair was dyed platinum blonde except where you could see the mousy-brown bits growing out from the roots .
46 Do n't forget that you 've got an allowance each , and it 's not likely to affect many people , except where you 've perhaps been left something that you want to dispose of or a property that you want to dispose of , in which case there could be a capital gains liability .
47 Most anywhere except where you 'd go looking .
48 She felt raw — not physically , except where she had scoured her skin in the bath , but inside , in her soul , as if he had reached in and desecrated some sacred part of her .
49 What about getting in there , considering where he was last noticed ? ’
50 It is wider than s2 because where it applies , it prevents exclusion of any liability , whether for personal injury , property damage or economic loss .
51 Because where I was making boxes it was pulling the skin and was torn apart was n't it ?
52 She was able to keep Steve because where she lived within the er there was a little coronet of little tatty houses that have since been pulled down and she was related to fifteen in fifteen out of the twenty two houses she had a relative .
53 Because where he goes is a smaller school where they go and erm I think something like that is nice for them to actually
54 According where you although it did n't actually come into practice .
55 The barbecue is always one of the more popular events , though where we do this depends rather on whether the wind has dropped or not !
56 Thus , the effects of taxation may be seen only in future periods , as where they affect the accumulation of capital ( see the discussion of the national debt in the previous Lecture ) .
57 Conversely , future taxes and government expenditure may influence current incomes , as where they are capitalized in asset values .
58 This kind of activity could be called the micro-politics of race , though in practice , as where we align ourselves with the struggles of our brothers and sisters in South Africa , it is more likely to prove the micro-politics of race 's overcoming .
59 Only in as much as where we are .
60 ‘ No , it 's not the cab , Mr Fitzroy , so much as where it 's been . ’
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