Example sentences of "[v-ing] [indef pn] away " in BNC.

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1 After that he was a changed man , keeping everyone away from him and insisting on moving to the North Bastion Tower . ’
2 rather than filing everything away then having
3 The idea of getting everyone away is to isolate them from mundane worries so that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on the task in hand .
4 There has been strong speculation that Pepsi Cola are putting up the money but David Murray , Rangers ' owner and chairman who bought the club exactly a year ago yesterday , is giving nothing away .
5 While agreeing broadly with the England manager 's summing-up of the present Brazilian team , the thought did occur that in another footballing era he could have been describing an Italian side — brilliant in breakaways but giving nothing away at the back .
6 ‘ When would you say it was done , then ? ’ he asked , giving nothing away .
7 Miss Harker , if she had any inkling , was giving nothing away .
8 Still Vologsky remained rigid , his blank face giving nothing away .
9 The Fedpol leader was listening stolidly , giving nothing away .
10 The two boys laughed blandly , giving nothing away .
11 ‘ They 've got it up the stairs and through the front door , ’ he told them , the practical words giving nothing away about his mood .
12 She cast a swift , assessing look over Shannon , her eyes giving nothing away .
13 Radio 5 is giving nothing away whatsoever .
14 His dark face was expressionless , giving nothing away .
15 It was the first time he 'd spoken , and his voice was aloof , his dark face shuttered and remote , giving nothing away .
16 Wait for the champagne ! ’ her father protested , his face giving everything away now .
17 ‘ Your thunderous expression has a curious habit of giving everything away . ’
18 But remember — the retailer may appear to be giving something away , but he 's in business to make sales .
19 One of his first papers was called the neuro psychoses of defence , and defence meant fending something away from consciousness , what he later called repression .
20 Was he giving anything away ?
21 If you can get what you want without giving anything away then avoid conceding anything .
22 But , like all those close to her , Ted is not giving anything away about Selina .
23 Beyond that , Softlab is n't giving anything away : US rules say it may not discuss talks until agreement is won .
24 Alice probed Andrew , but he was either not giving anything away , or was ignorant of Bert 's and Jasper 's alternative ideas .
25 But Gran was n't giving anything away , just saying things like ‘ Aye ’ and ‘ Aye , well ’ , and ‘ Not so bad ’ .
26 It too might be 32-bit , but IBM is n't giving anything away at the moment .
27 ’ They were n't giving anything away , ’ she said , tightly .
28 ‘ Are you planning to avenge his death ? ’ he enquired , neither his voice or face giving anything away .
29 ‘ Not exactly , ’ she answered at last with as much honesty as she could without giving anything away .
30 ‘ She 's a bit in love with you , ’ murmured Juliet , hoping she was n't giving anything away .
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