Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] for " in BNC.

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1 She did not look up as he struggled to open the door and stepped inside , where he stood perfectly still , hardly daring to breathe for fear of dropping his awkwardly held gift .
2 She had few friends in the locality , preferring to go for long walks in the nearby countryside with the family dog , until , that is , Ronald Travis took up his duties in the signal box .
3 The Laboratory is catering to demand for local chips from Taiwanese Sparcsystem builders such as Tatung Electronics Co , Datatech Inc , Twinhead Inc , Sampo Inc and Chicony Inc .
4 Deaf dogs can manage surprisingly well , with their eyesight and sense of smell helping to compensate for their lack of hearing .
5 The Women 's Cooperative Guild played a decisive role in helping to secure for Labour the newly-enfranchised female vote .
6 There is not point arranging to play squash if you dislike the game , or vowing to go for a jog each day , if you hate running .
7 But I loved their products and was dying to work for them . ’
8 Similarly , in an effort to reach an accommodation with women trade unionists , the NUSEC rejected the traditional nineteenth-century feminist opposition to protective legislation , pledging to work for the extension of such legislation to men rather than opposing it for women .
9 The massacre of 17 Inkatha members in a roadside ambush in Natal on Feb. 10 , which a local Inkatha official blamed on ANC supporters , was followed by the signature of a joint statement on Feb. 11 by Mandela and the chairman of the Inkatha Freedom Party , Frank Mdlalose , pledging to work for " peace and political tolerance among our people " , and to " uncover the roots of these acts of violence " .
10 ‘ I want to paint men and women with that something of the eternal which the halo used to symbolize , ’ Van Gogh had written , groping to define for his brother the human essence that was his aim in pictures such as this . ’
11 Our eyes seek out the inhabitants fleeing distracted , or returning to look for the dead .
12 From the purchasers ' point of view , auctions can also be attractive — if slightly nerve-racking as you wait for bidding to start for the house of your dreams .
13 Pair or group tasks will not stimulate worthwhile collaboration unless they engage children 's interest and involvement , and are sufficiently flexible and challenging to allow for a range of responses .
14 ’ So , after appearing to settle for third-person narrative , he doubles back on himself and leaves us to make what we can of an omniscient author who is bound hand and foot to a far from omniscient protagonist .
15 His gaze raked her body , returning to linger for a moment on her mouth .
16 As I 've started writing to ya now , I might as well ask you some stuff that I 've been dying to ask for ages .
17 Thus , I spent ten years working for Other Music Papers , never daring to aim for The Big One , editing Record Mirror and blooding young pups like Stuart Bailie and Roger Morton for greater things .
18 Trotting after her , Frankie automatically rubbed his hand on his trousers before daring to reach for the gloved hand she offered .
19 He was asked at the Dec. 30 meeting to continue for the two months while new structures were elaborated .
20 It is the equivalent of a British government refusing to appear for questions in the House saying that it had been elected and therefore did not need to defend its decisions before parliament .
21 With respect , it is submitted , that to the extent that the observation may be characterized as seeking to compensate for any lack of clarity in the formulation of the rule in Pepper v. Hart , by the threat of judicial orders for costs , this approach is wrong in principle .
22 The problem thus faced by those seeking to provide for the United Kingdom 's accession to the European Community was to reconcile such accession with the idea of sovereignty .
23 ‘ Chris Jefferson from Daventry , he 'd like to see , if Mr Kinnock gets in , some action against Tory tabloid papers ; Mike Humphries , an engineer , called in from Cornwall , says , I do n't know what Labour 's identity is all about — what are they pretending to stand for ? whatever happened to socialism ?
24 Pausing to listen for any sounds of activity before making her dash across to the cover of the fosse , she found herself automatically reciting part of the Litany to the Blessed Virgin : " Mother most pure , Mother undefiled , Mother most admirable , Mother of good counsel , Mother of our creator , Mother of our Saviour , Virgin most prudent , Virgin most venerable … mystical rose , Tower of David , House of Gold , Ark of the Covenant … "
25 Twenty-eight ambulance control officers in the London area were suspended without pay yesterday for refusing to cover for colleagues taking industrial action .
26 For example , if teachers notice that a child or group of children are tending to look for information in books simply by leafing through them , hoping to find the information by accident , they can , at this stage , point out the use of the contents and index pages , and run through some quick games using these .
27 ‘ I felt that as soon as I took over Gary had it in his mind that he was n't looking to play for England beyond the two years which took him up to the European Championships , ’ he said .
28 In response to your advertisement in the Bedfordshire Reporter , I am writing to apply for the post of secretary/ receptionist .
29 After cycling to various different parts of the village pretending to look for him , therefore , I returned and told the Germans that no one had seen my father ; he was probably out in the country on his bicycle but I had no idea where .
30 Killion turned away , pretending to look for somewhere to put his glass .
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