Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 're something you should be using right the way up to the to the actual exams .
2 This is a major problem in Namibia , where almost all the private media are urban-oriented , reflecting mostly the interests and viewpoints of the urban elite while wittingly or unwittingly neglecting those of the rural inhabitants who constitute a greater percentage of the country 's total population .
3 While accepting wholeheartedly the value of this sort of study — the discipline that goes by the name of philology in English-speaking countries — Saussure argued that it gave only a partial account of linguistic phenomena .
4 Injected , catalysed , with 24-valves apiece and an individual coil on each plug to speed the spark , the 2-litre 150bhp and the 2.5-litre 192bhp engines enhance the company 's reputation for building arguably the smoothest ‘ 6 ’ s in the business .
5 The various fusion machines that a had been built were producing neutrons-supposedly a sign that fusion was taking place but the neutrons had nothing to do with thermonuclear reactions .
6 As she glared at him , he continued , ‘ So get used to the fact that , if you plan on staying on here , you will unfortunately be seeing rather a lot of me .
7 Virginia Radcliffe gave an alive , vampish performance as Elena , suggesting powerfully the will to survive and ability to manipulate .
8 ‘ You 're presuming rather a lot , ’ the Doctor pointed out , ‘ from a heap of crumbled ruins . ’
9 ‘ He had experience in administering effectively a large public museum ; he has demonstrated skills in fund-raising ; and thirdly , we get the bulk of our annual budget from Congress , and Rusty got the bulk of his budget ( $15 million a year ) from the Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles and showed great skill in dealing with them .
10 BSL therefore stores story information and re-tells it in a way which would occur for all languages , but spoken language surface structure ( reflecting only a specific point in time and context ) would tend to hide this in its effort for reconstruction of meaning .
11 Mostly , they go round in circles , reflecting only the idiom of the day .
12 Some see it as reflecting only an odd set of ancient taboos .
13 By Oct. 14 he had resigned himself to submitting merely the question of proxy voting by husbands to the seven-member Constitutional Council set up in 1989 .
14 Few people were about , owing to the lateness of the hour , and the guards around the entrance of each tower she passed , glanced briefly at her and turned away , seeing only a woman of indeterminate age , muffled in a hooded cloak such as was worn by serving-women everywhere .
15 Here , truly , is a place to sense freedom , to be away from the crowds and the pressures of the world , to wander for miles seeing only a handful of people enjoying the same leisurely activity , or maybe no-one at all .
16 But Kraal only shook his head and stared mournfully out on to the lovely morning , seeing only a memory of an old eagle he had argued with but always loved and who would never come back .
17 Seeing only the whirlpools and counter-currents but not the progress of the long river of history only reveals the observer 's political short-sightedness . ’
18 Thus began the pattern of alternating concession and repression which marked the Indian path to independence , the British constantly frustrated by their inability to rise permanently above the use of force , the nationalists , with the notable exception of Gandhi , seeing only the adroit employment of the carrot and the stick .
19 It should be evident to arty thinking individual that the problems facing our Planet at this point in time are the results of a commitment to a science and a philosophy based on erroneous assumptions about the true nature of reality , and that these assumptions are the products of a mentality conditioned to seeing only the separation , the apara , between all things , rather than the unity .
20 Similarly some DCSLs had lost contact with the school 's senior management team once funding was complete , reverting again to seeing only the teacher-librarian .
21 Seeing only the spray of Petion 's blood , Ace fired again and again , the shots punching continually into Richmann 's body and causing him to jerk like a marionette before toppling backwards into the steel door .
22 There was a sharp , hard impatience about him , and Cassie , wanting only what he wanted , seeing only the fulfilment of her hopes , and forgetting her earlier feelings of unease , was full of dreamy desire .
23 ‘ Obediently she did as he bade her , her gaze travelling round the empty room , seeing only the elegant lines of fitted furniture , the newly made bed , the bedside table with one large volume hanging open — and another fallen untidily on the floor beside it .
24 Away from her mother and father and sister and grandmother was bad enough , but the worst thing for Belle was opening her eyes and seeing only the walls around her .
25 you make an arrangement to have a game of tennis but the weather , you know i it 's snowing or it 's raining so a lot of them get rained off which is er quite sad .
26 Not to be outdone the Wesleyan Methodists rejoiced in 1898 ‘ in the growing sense of kinship that marks our relations with the United States ’ , expressed their ‘ warmest sympathy ’ with America 's efforts to ‘ disburden suffering peoples of the pitiless and truculent misgovernments under which they have groaned ’ and rejoiced that ‘ In fusing together the two great divisions of the Anglo-Saxon race , the Churches have played the chief part although ’ , they added as a reprove to their more ‘ political ’ friends , the Baptists and Congregationalists , ‘ like their Lord , they do not cry nor uplift their voice in the highways of International politics ’ .
27 Ben eased forward until his face was pressed against the glass , watching Gosse slow his breathing and focus his whole being upon the blade resting only a hand 's length from his stomach .
28 Unsurprisingly , he left after completing only the one film , and his position was taken over by his erstwhile colleague , Victor Saville .
29 Meanwhile , Reading Council were lashing together a municipal PR exercise , using as a dodgy pretext the 400th anniversary of the destruction of the local abbey by Henry VIII .
30 We have discussed how the requirement for external confidentiality will limit the approach to potential purchasers and the consequential sale strategy which will involve contacting only a small number of potential purchasers , most of which are likely to be foreign companies .
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