Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] his " in BNC.

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1 Ellen had once assured me that I was only happy because I did not think too deeply , and probably she was right , but it is still that shallow contentment which makes people bring me their troubles just as the senator was now bringing me his two children .
2 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
3 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
4 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
5 This hot-tempered ingrate was denying him his rights as head of the tribe .
6 And er on the other hand you can get in your car and you can get down to suddenly find they 've got the the road up or E G as we did coming down to York today there 's driving his his er surface lifter down the road and and er you 're stuck in a traffic jam for a wee while er
7 And today on a satellite link from Everest he admitted his solo climb without Oxygen had come close to costing him his life .
8 As she spoke she was laying him a place at the kitchen table , and serving him his meal .
9 The practical street-boy had , as it were , foreseen what the enterprise would need while he was developing what his gang enjoyed as a game :
10 He 's probably in the newspaper office selling them his story .
11 He picked up a book on juggling which his daughter had brought home , and 4 months later he 's teaching others .
12 Further privileges lay in store for W. C. T. as a member of the Weavers ' Company — though nearly every entry in his name subsequently is confused by his double Christian names : even the document granting him his Freedom of the City had to insert ‘ William ’ in front of ‘ Charles ’ with a caret mark , and as far as the Weavers were concerned , he was really ‘ Charles William ’ .
13 In an interview with Central News he says he wants his lawyer to seek a court hearing to apply for bail granting him his release before the Appeal takes place .
14 coerces some kid into selling him his marbles , that 's corruption is n't it ?
15 ‘ So one hopes , ’ said Jared , amused at these revelations confirming what his daughter had told him two days ago .
16 He was wondering what his dream meant when some men called to see him .
17 ‘ Very , thank you , ’ she said , wondering what his reaction would be if he knew how she had spent the past hour .
18 She drifted into sleep , resisting an urge to move closer and press her mouth to his shoulder , combating it by wondering what his reaction might be if she should succumb to an opposing temptation and sink her teeth into the flesh her nails had already marred .
19 It struck me that in calling me his heavenly brother he had gone straight to the heart of all our missionary endeavours .
20 Why , only yesterday the king was speaking with me , calling me his little daughter-in-law and patting my hand as was his wont .
21 James Hamilton had passed from aggressiveness to fuddled good nature , calling everyone his best friend , pressing more drinks upon them .
22 But here we have an unexpected aid : one of the forged Canterbury documents — a letter from Pope John XII to Archbishop Dunstan sending him his pallium — had been copied and had left Canterbury before the illicit addition was made .
23 While he sang to the girl the Don wants to come to her window , calling her his treasure , asking her not to be cruel , at least to let him see her , he looked at Alice , turned his face away from the audience who had gathered and looked at her .
24 She handed it over , silently cursing fitzAlan for calling her his wife .
25 Sarella wished he would stop calling her his dear .
26 However , the dividing line between what is and what is not permissible is often difficult to draw , as Maugham LJ illustrated in the Wessex Dairies case : … although the servant is not entitled to make use of information which he has obtained in confidence in his master 's service he is entitled to make use of the knowledge and skill which he acquired while in that service , including knowledge and skill directly obtained from the master in teaching him his business .
27 Rudd designed the chassis , calling it his ‘ overstressed skin car ’ .
28 Oh , well he keeps calling it his laser printer ! seen it in action we do n't see that well .
29 If God 's overall strategy in sending us his Spirit is to equip the Church for mission , and bring people into the messianic kingdom , the sphere of salvation — we may well ask what he does when he has got them there ?
30 I have so looked forward to it , making all the things with Matey , and thinking of what we shall do with the money we make — which is stupid really , when I know that I could so easily give them so much more — But that would be nothing , for what I have done with Matey has been done by me , and not by Papa , for that is what giving them his money would mean .
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