Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] most " in BNC.

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1 A European Community ( EC ) plan was drafted for Hunosa allowing for most job losses to be covered by early retirement on full pay until the age of 68 or by natural job shrinkage .
2 Since , in many tribal societies , women were either pregnant or nursing during most of their fertile period of life , this monthly menstrual withdrawal did not affect women 's lives from month to month as much as it might seem to us today .
3 The Food and Drug Administration has also hinted that it may revise a policy that does not at present require special safety testing or labelling for most biotechnology foods .
4 Now watch this , as we go through the tack the sail is driving for most of the time just flapping briefly as the sail turns through the wind .
5 By late 1989 ADMARC had succeeded in disposing of most of its 25 agricultural estates , many to Malawian entrepreneurs , but also to the Commonwealth Development Corporation and the US-based multinational Cargill .
6 I 'm worried about the future of one of the areas I enjoy walking in most — Studland Heath .
7 Probably because of the very much greater stick forces and lower rates of pitch occurring in most light aircraft .
8 By the mid-1980s , confrontations were not confined to major urban centres , but were occurring in most parts of the country .
9 ‘ THE end of flavoured crisps ! ’ — This was one of the headlines to a story appearing in most tabloid newspapers in May .
10 What 's he going for the world record on , for appearing in most films , or
11 Whole week of holiday now gone , but still working 23 hours out of 24 minding potties , cooking food , searching for lost particle of Lego , shopping for sweets and icecreams and exploding drinks , explaining in most genteel terms available why horse in nearby field has permanent erection .
12 Scragg ( 1974 : 26 ) , for example , comments that ‘ the existence of regional orthographies , and their confusion in the copying of texts resulted in a very lax attitude to spelling in most scribes . ’
13 In general , still birth ratios are lowest at four or five years spacing in most maternal age groups and increase towards both shorter and longer length of birth intervals .
14 It is argued that studies of innovative road layouts ‘ suggest that the innovative features have been generally successful in creating areas in which speeds are well below those normally occurring on most traditional roads ’ .
15 The gap was re-opened with a vengeance by events after 1978 , when ‘ the North-South divide ’ entered a period of widening on most economic and political measures .
16 Indeed , judicial control is relatively so rare and sporadic that there are too few court decisions relating to most areas of government activity to establish a detailed code of judge-made regulation governing those activities .
17 The nucleus contains almost all of the atom 's mass , the electrons contributing at most about 1/2000 of the whole .
18 In this way the new Bedford Poor Law Union , consisting of most of North Bedfordshire , found a ready-made workhouse in the Bedford House of Industry .
19 non-manual , consisting of most of the remaining non-manual jobs , eg. foremen , shop assistants , clerical workers ; and
20 To be on the safe side I spent two hours in the drain , shivering for most of the second hour .
21 After all , Japan had democratic structures and procedures , as well as a far higher standard of living for most of its people .
22 And so , very the onus would be would they not , the three things that we 're looking for most of the time .
23 For a light car , the AX rides surprisingly well , soaking up most road surface horrors with dignified composure .
24 Furthermore the graduate recruits can judge the derisory attitude to academics for themselves , simply by picking up most editions of Police magazine .
25 If one is still searching for ways to explain this absence , believing with most ethologists , socio-biologists , and even some social anthropologists that aggression is part of human nature , then the obvious place to look is for some form of ritual as catharsis , or try to identify some other culturally constructed behaviour pattern which allows the individual Chewong to shed negatively valued arousal states , like anger , which according to such theories would build up and erupt in uncontrolled violent behaviour .
26 Conditions of living in most of the prisons are sub-human … .
27 From pop to waltz , slow to disco , there 's music to set your feet tapping in most HCI Clubs .
28 Underwritten by the Economic Insurance Company , it offers two levels of cover — gold card or silver — and three hospital bands — ranging from most private hospitals in the UK , including London , at Band A , to NHS provincial teaching and general hospitals , and lower cost private hospitals , at Band C.
29 How , for example , could an outsider know that normative consensus in the speech community does not permit backing in velar environments or fronting in most other environments , or that sonorants followed by voiceless obstruents predict a front vowel ?
30 In terms of detailed variance analysis , it does not , it seems to me , have much of an advantage over conventional standard costing in most situations , but it does help considerably in focusing on the key competitive issues .
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