Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] should " in BNC.

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1 People wanting to quit should keep a diary of every time they have a cigarette before they actually quit , says psychologist Dr Allan Norris .
2 Anyone wishing to attend should contact Frances Hoare , Essex TEC 's head of business and enterprise , on Chelmsford ( 0245 ) 450123 .
3 Bank pensions wishing to attend should contact Barbara Brindle ( ) or Beryl Wallbank ( ) .
4 Those wishing to play should arrive at the club no later than 1.30 .
5 There are those who argue that the ‘ burden of proof ’ should be reversed and that companies wishing to merge should have to prove that the merger is ‘ in the public interest ’ .
6 The monetary committee 's report warns that any currency wishing to rejoin should do so only if there is mutual agreement on its parity .
7 Anyone wishing to enter should telephone .
8 Companies wishing to enter should send details , covering no more a single sheet of paper , of why they should be considered , along with a copy of the latest set of accounts to Marion Green at Grant Thornton , 1-4 Atholl Crescent , Edinburgh EH3 8LQ to arrive by 22 February .
9 Anyone interested in this topic is encouraged to attend and those intending to come should contact
10 We urge that all commercially marketed aids to stopping smoking should undergo the same regulatory scrutiny .
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