Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 We goin' pick them like they ripe avocados . ’
2 Society tends to ignore the inherent sexuality of younger teenagers , especially girls , preferring to see them as innocent children , so consequently when girls do fall pregnant , they have few rights or benefits as mothers .
3 Maggie clung to the privacy of her room , as small children do to their teddy bears ; she never invited her friends there , preferring to contain them in the large sitting-room below .
4 In the afternoons fishermen in small skiffs laid nets along the low island of reeds which lay between us and the main channel , returning to gather them at night .
5 Lots of new developments on the hair-care front this month , so after lots of intensive washing , spraying , spritzing , tweaking , curling and crimping to try them out , here 's our pick of the best :
6 Crowds appearing to amass them .
7 Resolving to pass them on to someone else as soon as possible , Robert took hold of both locket and manuscript and put them in his jacket pocket .
8 Reading Seventeen from cover to cover ; making lists of the fall fashions and vowing to buy them when I was thinner , older .
9 As a community do we seek out the poor and oppressed , endeavouring to help them in their struggle for dignity or do we put them in our litanies of prayer but refuse to act ?
10 Benny was laughing to cheer them up and raise the mood again .
11 walls , he was knocking to do them pipes , I said if we have any more holes in that wall , I said we 'd be completely with
12 She 'd leave them watching their choice of video or music for an hour or so before returning to give them their tea .
13 This has meant that legally-held guns and those applying to hold them are already subject to very tight controls . ’
14 This has the effect of marginalizing non-standard vernaculars — appearing to present them as abnormal or pathological language states — when the majority of human beings throughout history must have used varieties that were , to a greater or lesser extent , non-standard .
15 If other members of the psychogeriatric team had agreed that the development officer should try to support some of these clients , or had been pressing to have them discharged , she would undoubtedly have agreed to try .
16 Large numbers of hoards would have been deposited by Roman legionaries recruited in Italy but prevented ( for instance , by death ) from returning to recover them .
17 Try to bring home to your subordinates the cost of these gatherings , but without appearing to ban them .
18 Now England officials may find their past errors returning to haunt them .
19 They are all cold-pressed virgin oils and should be kept in the dark and refrigerated after opening to prevent them from becoming rancid .
20 ‘ We goin' take these politician' , leetle dog , an' we goin' put them in one beeg hole so they don' come back .
21 I started helping to feed them . ’
22 Back came the ‘ face furniture ’ which required no solutions except that of remembering to wear them .
23 Back came the ‘ face-furniture ’ which required no solutions except that of remembering to wear them .
24 For they deny the existence of the pagan gods , of whom the Emperor was one ( so that they were guilty of treason as well as irreverence by refusing to acknowledge them ) .
25 We do not solve problems by refusing to acknowledge them .
26 Yet they also point to the conflict between feminism inside art history , which often seems little more than a maker of changing the gender of the artist as hero , and feminism as a more complex , multi-focused , or interdisciplinary project which utterly transforms the objects art history usually studies by refusing to treat them as simply ‘ works of art ’ created by ‘ artists ’ .
27 But the United States was refusing to accept them .
28 Republics collect taxes but are refusing to pass them on to the central government .
29 Or refusing to relate them .
30 SINN Fein president Gerry Adams has been condemned by the parents of Warrington bomb-victim Tim Parry for refusing to meet them face-to-face and explain why their son died .
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