Example sentences of "[num] and has " in BNC.

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1 This picture offers us a useful parallel with the Handel portrait dating from about 1728 and has the same kind of confidential candour .
2 The plaintiff is aged 30 and has a normal expectation of life .
3 Walker , who has turned 30 and has been at Tynecastle for over three years , will get his full international grounding at a time when goalkeeping problems abound for the national coach .
4 AT&T Microelectronics has bought back worldwide marketing rights in the ISDN chip it developed for Sun Sparcstation 10s and has contracted with CoSystems Inc to sell and support the widget .
5 ( from Jerry Arnull , 10pp ; £1 + 30p p&p ) — Summary , from limited records , of a felicitous cricket week which began in 1933 and has seen some fine performances .
6 This artist 's impression is said to be a good likeness of the attacker who 's thought to be in his late 30s and has a pot belly .
7 The expression for the reduced osmotic pressure has already been derived in section 8.7 and has the form where the limiting form , valid only at infinite dilution , is
8 This was issued in February 1993 and has not been included in the Index .
9 The old party leader with the enigmatic smile is 67 and has become a person of greater symbolic significance than of real political potential .
10 The old party leader with the enigmatic smile is 67 and has become a person of greater symbolic significance than of real political potential .
11 But she 's about forty and has been with the company ages . ’
12 You will no doubt be familiar with the Tesco Healthy Eating campaign which started in 1985 and has been a major success .
13 Sally is 22 and has been with her current boyfriend for three years .
14 AUSTRALIAN Mutual Provident was founded as a mutual life society in 1849 and has grown to be the largest life office in Australia and New Zealand .
15 It was established in 1979 and has developed systems of clinical budgeting — perhaps with varying degrees of success — at a small number of NHS hospitals .
16 Greer 's CSE Mathematics Book 1 was first published in 1978 — it is now into its fifth reprint ; Book 2 was first published in 1979 and has been reprinted twice .
17 Together they number some 500 , though the social club has had to call a halt on membership at 2,000 and has a turnover of £2 ½ million .
18 Together they number some 500 , though the social club has had to call a halt on membership at 2,000 and has a turnover of £2 ½ million .
19 LCH was incorporated as a company in 1888 and has been providing market services continuously for more than a century .
20 Born in Oxford , Sadler lived from 1751 to 1828 and has the distinction of being the first English-born ‘ aeronaut ’ .
21 The other models are the liquid-cooled Cray C94 , the eight-processor liquid-cooled Cray C98 , and an expansion of the 16-processor Cray C916 system , which was introduced way back in November 1991 and has up to now been marketed as the Cray Y-MP C90 .
22 The other models are the liquid-cooled Cray C94 , the eight-processor liquid-cooled Cray C98 , and an expansion of the 16-processor Cray C916 system , which was introduced way back in November 1991 and has up to now been marketed as the Cray Y-MP C90 .
23 United Technologies , producers of armaments , elevators , etc. , lost $1.02 billion on revenues of $21.26 billion in 1991 and has announced that it will drop its arts sponsorship programme .
24 He was District Secretary there since 1991 and has been a branch representative in several branches since 1976 .
25 This compares with around three million at the same stage of the last BT share sale in 1991 and has led to criticism of the £15 million advertising campaign .
26 The Thornton Heath service was numbered 190 and has undergone various extensions at the Croydon end in more recent years .
27 Meanwhile , Gallery Hair Design in Hungerford , which opened six months ago with just two stylists , now employs six and has enjoyed publicity in both consumer and trade press .
28 The only problem is , one of them 's still only thirteen and has to get time off school to play gigs .
29 Mrs Craig was welcomed as a member of the Leaders ' Meeting in March 1963 and has given 30 years ' service as secretary of the Women 's Fellowship .
30 Tarragona Cathedral was begun in 1171 and has mainly pointed arches , but is predominantly Romanesque in its heavy construction and masonry though some of it has been rebuilt later .
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