Example sentences of "[num] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 High levels of consumer debt and fears of unemployment would continue to inhibit confidence , restricting growth through 1993 of just 0.5pc .
2 To ensure viability of the organs , pH , PO 2 , and PCO 2 of both the arterial infusate and venous effluent were measured every hour throughout the experiments .
3 Hope these will come in useful ; I got 2 of as many as I could , so you could have one for handling and one for display — or for pinning up to show both sides .
4 As Dr Von Tunzelmann has pointed out , if the same price data are used , with the Lancashire wage data it would produce an increase in real wages from 1750 to 1780 of around 20 per cent , while with southern wage data a fall of around 15 per cent appears .
5 Among the groups involved in the demonstration was the " Democratic Platform of the CPSU " , formed at a conference on Jan. 20-21 of more than 1,200 representatives of " party clubs " comprising reformist communists in more than 100 Soviet cities .
6 Accordingly they forecast a decline in demand in the thirteen years after 1982/83 of around 25 per cent rather than around 35 per cent as implied by the general demographic decline ( see Jones , 1981 ) .
7 ‘ Nothing in this section shall affect the duties or liabilities 3–32 of either seller or buyer as a bailee or custodier of the goods of the other party . ’
8 Iran , more awkwardly placed , had reserves in 1980 of just $10,223 billion and debts inherited from the Shah 's time of $6.5 billion .
9 Two-thirds of both patients and community cases experienced major difficulties compared to only 20 per cent of the sample of normal women .
10 It appears that about two-thirds of well documented cases of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis in the United Kingdom will prove infected , and that at least a sixth of patients with cryptosporidiosis will have AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis if subjected to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
11 Yes , but she 's got all the erm she 's got hundreds of well not hundreds , but she 's got a lot of customers , I mean , she works in huge offices does n't she ?
12 First , a parasitic bronchitis characterised by the presence of hundreds of even thousands of adult worms in the frothy white mucus in the lumina of the bronchi ( P1.II ) .
13 In any case although Acheson in his memoirs acknowledged the ‘ perceptive warning of an able colleague ’ and admitted that these fears were eventually borne out by events , at the time he decided nonetheless ‘ that having put our hand to the plough we would not look back ’ and added his own to what would be hundreds of similarly hopeful assessments .
14 Such a dramatic movement of peoples could not have been undertaken by any other contemporary transportation method , and must reflect remarkable activity at the hundreds of newly built stations throughout the system .
15 Hundreds of privately owned aircraft at Tamiami Airport were blown over and on top of each other , a parked DC–6 disappeared completely and was found over a mile away from its tie-down point on the Airport .
16 What a nice place you have here ! ’ ; poses for photos with old ladies ; signs autographs ; and grasps hundreds of eagerly outstretched hands , without ever needing to introduce himself .
17 Ferdinand , desperate to be accepted by the cognoscenti and to build up political influence , flaunted his lavishness by building a gigantic French château of bright yellow Bath stone With 222 rooms , and by planting hundreds of fully grown trees on the high bare hill on which it stood .
18 We had literally hundreds of almost identical conversations .
19 In total darkness , without prior experience , and with the location of potential anchor points for the support structure unpredictable , a mere spider sets about constructing a precise and complex network of several different kinds of threads held together with hundreds of precisely placed ‘ welds ’ .
20 A range of specialist libraries is available with hundreds of ready drawn objects for engineering , architecture , electronics etc .
21 As it was , someone mentioned the restricted hip-turn and the first of hundreds of perfectly good golf balls whistled away beyond human ken .
22 They are custodians of a vast variety of potatoes — hundreds of genetically differing kinds , no doubt containing between them the secrets of natural disease resistance , tolerance of climate change , chemical-free extended shelf-life , frying without fat absorption and who knows what other desirable characteristics .
23 The engine is from an early Series III of approximately 1971 .
24 Both the last holes were par-5s of around 500 yards and a four at both would seal the championship .
25 JAMES Leckey led the Lakeland Stages Rally by 35 seconds after six of today 's eight scheduled tests .
26 Without these other sources of income , it can be argued that the DVR actually made an operating loss in 1991 of nearly £35,000 .
27 It does not appear that there is any large scale production in this country , although there was a seizure in 1991 of about 0.7 kilo apparently made in a saucepan .
28 The latest Confederation of British Industry economic forecast shows a decline in manufacturing investment in 1991 of almost 20 per cent .
29 The Soviet authorities on April 13 finally admitted Soviet responsibility for the massacre in 1940 of around 15,000 Polish Army officers , including over 4,000 whose remains had been discovered in mass graves in Katyn forest near the Soviet city of Smolensk .
30 The extensified fragmentation of Weimar politics and eventual decline into little more than interest politics in the face of mounting internal crisis , entirely delegitimized the State system itself , wholly discredited pluralist politics , and paved the way for a full acceptance — already by 1932 of around 13 million Germans — of a new basis of unity represented in an entirely novel political form personalized in Hitler 's ‘ charismatic ’ leadership .
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