Example sentences of "[num] year [is] " in BNC.

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1 As Ivan Nagy , the Russian-trained Hungarian dancer who runs English National Ballet , points out , to produce four great artists like Nureyev , Makarova , Baryshnikov and Mukhamedov in 30 years is not a great striking rate for so huge a nation .
2 Long-term investment over 20 to 30 years is likely to prove advantageous to those companies with surplus cash who anticipate that development may be permitted in the long-term future .
3 It was revealed last night that Acklam Park in Middlesbrough a regular venue for Yorkshire County Cricket Club for the past 30 years is the subject of an offer from supermarket giants Argyll .
4 They were given a grandstand view of how the world 's first new man-made fibre for 30 years is manufactured .
5 The risk of developing AIDS by 2 years is around 0–2% and by 4 years only 5–10% .
6 Forty years Where a term of more than forty years is created the tenant may , after the expiry of twenty-five years of the term , apply to the court for the discharge of any restriction affecting the user of the demised property ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s84(12) ) .
7 A section of canal derelict for forty years is to be reopened after the installation of four new lock gates .
8 There are no outstanding flashes in organic chemistry , things move step by step , and the way they 've moved over the past thirty or forty years is quite apparent if anybody looks round their home .
9 It was madness to begin with , the only trouble is , it took forty years for the government to discover it 's own craziness and to begin to dismantle it , we are now reaping the legacy of that , of , of the , the accumulated folly of forty years is now bursting upon our cities .
10 A lease for a term certain exceeding twenty-one years is a major interest for the purposes of VAT ( Value Added Tax Act 1983 , s48(1) and Sched 5 , para 8 ) .
11 The fact I have remembered its message after 12 years is a testimony to its effectiveness .
12 THE editorship of Wisden is a post of such significance in the cricket world that a third change in 12 years is noteworthy in itself .
13 The first change in directorship for 12 years is a new opportunity to explore the prospects for the survival and development of a ‘ critical culture ’ in Britain and to consider the role of an institution like the ICA in its development .
14 A gap of 10 to 12 years is to be expected .
15 Another difficulty of the last 11 or 12 years is that we have always faced west , towards the United States of America .
16 The record of the NHS in the Basildon and Thurrock health authority over the last 12 years is one of which both my hon. Friend and all those involved in the NHS have every reason to be proud .
17 Yeah over six years in n it ?
18 What had been happening financially over the last five or six years is unclear but in 1932 the situation was regarded as ‘ serious ’ and it was to continue so ( as with other Clubs in the Depression ) until the late 1930's .
19 To most people the term Gatt means very little but the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which 108 countries have been wrestling over for the past six years is vital to fair trading throughout the world .
20 Six years is too far away .
21 ‘ Ah , Maria , six years is a long time to wait , ’ Luke murmured with a faint sardonic smile as he registered her frantic response .
22 To take a team from the Fourth to the First in six years is n't bad going whatever style of football you play . ’
23 The only sites that have been provided in the last six years is one at Hinksey Hill , nothing else .
24 This gift was subject to the capital transfer tax , not inheritance tax , provisions , and by dint of the passage of more than 10 years is outside any tax charge .
25 Allowance would also have to be made for depreciation ( estimates of equipment life vary , but 10 years is a reasonable average ) and interest on capital .
26 Fullback and captain Mark Wyatt , who 29 caps in 10 years is just two fewer than the Canadian record set by lock Ro Hindson between 1973 and 1990 , was not the only one to retire after the World Cup .
27 The only new track which we envisage in the next 10–15 years is the possible construction of a new west-east chord to the South of Dalmeny , and the only new passenger services is a possible re-opening of the South Suburban line .
28 Colitis for at least eight years is considered to be long standing .
29 In the twentieth century er the president who did most to , to develop the office further was , was Franklin Roosevelt , Theodore 's cousin er and Franklin Roosevelt , who became president in , in the nineteen thirties and the time of the great depression , and remained president for , till nineteen forty five so He was president for thirteen years er and his political opponents were so upset by this that they actually amended the constitution afterwards to prevent any future president from serving more than two terms of as president , so eight years is the maximum that anyone can serve as president .
30 That anyone of Milner 's mental power and insight could envisage a course of events which ran contrary both to the logic and experience of the actual British Empire over a hundred and fifty years is a staggering fact .
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