Example sentences of "[num] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 We have seen in Chapters 17 , 18 , and 22 that these processes are diverse .
2 The Supreme Court ruled on Jan. 22 that those who had fled from countries where rebel forces had attempted to coerce them into military service were not entitled to political asylum .
3 We have seen in 2.1–3 that any practicable method of stylistic analysis must select some features for analysis and ignore others .
4 noted in the 1890s that many sons would prefer to move rather than accept legal compulsion , and that their own old parents would often see relief as a right : ‘ the aged prefer a pittance from the parish ( regarded as their due ) to compulsory maintenance by children ; compulsion makes such aid very bitter . ’
5 Eduardo Fernández , the secretary-general of COPEI ( two of whose members had joined a " Cabinet of national unity " on March 10 — see pp. 38809-10 ) , warned on May 12 that such a reduction in the presidential term would create the danger of another military coup attempt like that of February [ see pp. 38759-60 ] .
6 It is also evident from Table 12 that all smaller size categories of farms in Powys decreased in number ( from 1970–1980 ) while the largest farms expanded , presumably by the larger farmers buying up land previously held as small , individual farms .
7 The government announced on April 12 that all charges against demonstrators would be dropped and that controls over the press would be relaxed .
8 Saddam Hussein proposed on Aug. 12 that all Middle Eastern occupation issues , or " issues that have been depicted as occupation " , should be resolved according to one set of UN Security Council principles .
9 Ernest Valko , who was appointed the chair of the court , declared on Feb. 12 that all the judges had accepted a recommendation not to be active politically .
10 Recall from section 2.2.3 that this trapping results from the atmosphere being more opaque to radiation at planetary wavelengths than at solar wavelengths .
11 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a limited company and if the Landlord shall [ reasonably ] so require to procure that at least [ 2 ] directors of the company or some other guarantor or guarantors [ reasonably ] acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " [ 5.9.6 That each and every permitted underlease shall be granted without any fine or premium at a rent not less than the then open market rental value of the Premises [ to be approved by the Landlord prior to any such underlease ] [ and to be determined by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ] or the Rent then being paid ( whichever shall be the greater ) such rent being payable in advance on the days on which Rent is payable under this Lease and shall contain provisions approved by the Landlord :
12 Clauses 5.9.6 to 5.9.11 could be amended as follows : [ 5.9.6 That each and every permitted underlease shall be granted without any fine or premium at a rent not less than the then open market rental value of [ the Premises ] [ that part of the Premises to be underlet ] such rent being payable in advance on the days on which Rent is payable under this Lease and shall contain provisions :
13 It will be seen from tables 1 and 2 that such very slow movements were more frequent than one might expect .
14 The point was made in Chapter 2 that many organisational buying decisions are complex , involving many people whose evaluative criteria may differ , and that the purchasing officer may play a minor role in deciding which supplier to choose , particularly with very expensive items .
15 It was further reported on Feb. 2 that another 12 T-72 tanks had been loaded on a Danish freighter , the Nadia J , bound from Szczecin for Syria ; it ran aground near the Danish port of Saeby and the tanks were seized by the Danish authorities , together with 46 tonnes of ammunition , on Feb. 3 , giving rise to further protests from Syria .
16 The nitric acid amount as measured inside the vortex reaches its lowest levels of 1.1x10 16 molecule cm -2 near day 287 , and it can be seen in Fig. 2 that this coincides with minimum ozone amounts of about 140Dobson units ( DU ) .
17 2 That this technology may have scale economies which in turn may arise through fixed costs but not sunk costs .
18 It was not until the late 1980's that this one-third reduction target was adopted by the Scottish Office .
19 Eventually , Lord Marshal , chairman of the CEGB , admitted in 1986 that some British civil-produced plutonium had been placed in ‘ the defence stockpile ’ .
20 The international community realized by the autumn of 1948 that most refugees would be unlikely to return home .
21 Tension along the 38th parallel had been serious for some months : General Hodge informed the joint chiefs of staff in January 1948 that both the south Korean police and north Korean border guards were engaged in sporadic attacks on one another .
22 But it was not simply a matter of taking one extra form : as the increase progressed up the School , it would become the equivalent in time of five extra forms , and it would not be until 1971 that such an expansion could be accommodated , as the building programme came to fruition .
23 The Rutland jurors swore on 7 December 1299 that all the vills and lands outside the bounds they then set out had been afforested in the time of King John .
24 We shall see in Section 5.16.3 that such studies can be important even for stable substances , and can allow spectroscopic identification of species such as free radicals and other reactive fragments that are normally short-lived .
25 ( It is surprising to read in the Veterinarian of 1841 an article on the diseases of cats , and still more surprising to see the statement in the issue of 1850 that many practitioners were restricting themselves to dog practice ) .
26 Austria was so totally defeated by Prussia at the battle of Sadowa in July 1866 that any attempt at mediation by France would have been rejected out of hand at Berlin , where it was known that such mediation would be a paper exercise with no military back-up .
27 Few standard conveyancing textbooks mention , let alone discuss , the covenant implied in a conveyance made under " an order of the court " and there is a suggestion by reason of the heading to Part VI that such a covenant is only to be used where the court orders a conveyance on behalf of a person suffering under a disability .
28 Thatcher also stressed during a visit to Moscow on June 7-10 that some troops and nuclear weapons must remain in Europe , and she could not envisage the materialization of Gorbachev 's plan for NATO and the Warsaw Pact to operate in parallel with linked institutions .
29 Now what , what was emerging in the end of last week 's discussion was that there 's been the agrarian land law , land law of er October nineteen forty seven , absolute egalitarianism and a recognition certainly by the spring of nineteen forty eight that that had overstepped the mark at least in terms of its implementation in that it had in particular led to the encroachment of middle
30 Now C twenty eight that some people who I 've noticed have been talking one minute .
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