Example sentences of "[num] [vb past] its " in BNC.

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1 The government had on Dec. 2 announced its plans to restructure the coal industry .
2 Lindsey celebrated the tenth anniversary of owning this large aircraft in August and on December 14 the F4U-7 celebrated its 40th birthday .
3 Continuing problems between the factions of the Democratic Liberal Party ( DLP ) on Oct. 12 prompted its three chairmen — Kim Young Sam , Kim Jong Pil and Park Tae Joon — to recommend party changes .
4 The British Bankers Association endorsed this conclusion , and the CML leant its voice to the chorus of opposition .
5 The SDPR , with some 1,200 delegates present , elected its leadership on Jan. 29 , and on Jan. 30 ended its congress after electing a supreme council .
6 The publication of Alfred Kinsey 's report on the sexual practices of the human male in 1948 attracted its fair share of opprobrium .
7 In Southern Spain republicanism and the International ( in its Bakuninite form ) made rapid headway : hardly any Andalusian township between 1870 and 1874 lacked its ‘ workers ’ society' .
8 The Czechoslovak government had in July 1991 announced its intention to resume work [ see p. 38351 ] .
9 For example , the Sunday Express of 20 October 1991 headlined its front-page lead article : ‘ SCANDAL OF THE BOGUS REFUGEES — 80% cheat their way into Britain and the good life ’ .
10 The autonomous oblast ( region ) of South Ossetian on Dec. 10 reaffirmed its September proclamation of independence and state sovereignty within the Soviet Union [ for which see p. 37723 ] .
11 The islands ' governing Legislative Council on Oct. 26 repeated its protest to the UK government at its exclusion from the ongoing talks , and voted not to co-operate with any plan reached with Argentina until the islanders were assured of a protected 200-mile limit for their own use .
12 Iran on Sept. 10 repeated its claim of sovereignty over the Gulf islands of Abu Musa , Tunb al-Kubra and Tunb al-Sughra , and rejected a Sept. 9 statement by the six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) supporting the UAE 's sovereignty [ see below ] .
13 Sun Microsystems Inc stoutly denies a report in ComputerWorld that the 40MHz Sparcstation 10 missed its September delivery date and will not ship in volume until December .
14 The first Sealdah station of 1862 derived its prime grandeur from its engineering works : a six-mile embankment had to be built to bring the railway into the centre of Calcutta .
15 The Foundation 's Annual Report for 1946 outlined its policy on the aged poor : ‘ As machines replace muscles as the motive force , the possibilities of extending useful employment could bring new purpose and new hope to those who have reluctantly accustomed themselves to being a burden ’ ( p. 47 ) In that year the Foundation founded the Nuffield Research Unit into Problems of Ageing , at the University of Cambridge , with the purpose of studying ‘ those changes of human performance in middle and old age likely to have a bearing upon capacity for work in industry ’ ( Nuffield Foundation 1953b : 160 ) , a ten-year project .
16 And the raid which hit It in April 1969 had its effect on Oz too .
17 The UN Fund for Population Activities on Feb. 21 published its revised estimate of future world population .
18 The African National Congress ( ANC ) on July 2-7 held its 48th national conference in Durban , the first inside South Africa for 32 years , and elected a new 55-member national executive committee ( NEC ) .
19 It became ‘ Royal and Ancient ’ in 1834 , when King William IV became its patron .
20 In an effort to stimulate the economy the Banque de France on March 18 lowered its intervention rate by 0.25 of a percentage point to 9 per cent ( the first reduction since October ) " in line with the softening of rates on the money market and favourable elements regarding inflation " .
21 Although the Hervert Laming letter of 13 December 1992 created its own furore about what should be written down , senior managers had already been debating for six months about whether care managers should bluff users and relatives about the money available for them .
22 The government on July 11 renounced its right as a developing country under the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) to impose certain temporary restrictions on imports .
23 II adjusted its unproductive consumption and accumulation of surplus-value to accommodate to this pattern .
24 The Belgian government on May 17 reaffirmed its commitment to the integration of immigrants .
25 The 16-member Mainland Affairs Council had itself come formally into being only the previous month , when the Executive Yuan on Oct. 18 approved its constitution .
26 The US battleship Missouri , which had earlier launched cruise missiles against Iraq , on Feb. 4 fired its main 16-inch guns against coastal positions in Kuwait .
27 THE average number of escapes had halved since Group 4 began its prisoner escort service , the company 's UK managing-director claimed yesterday .
28 A court should be slow to draw any such inference , however , since Parliament has in section 4 indicated its intention that an offence should be committed only where the distribution of literature is likely to lead to the use of violence .
29 Channel 4 started its enormous love-bite on Saturday with the truly horrendous 1987 American box-office film Dirty Dancing , one of those excruciating grapples with the twin obsessions of yoof culture and family values — yet which , with predictable weasel-writing , had a thoroughly deflating happy ending of school prom dimensions .
30 Preferring initially to await a UN decision before imposing sanctions , the Japanese government on Aug. 5 altered its stance and announced a ban on oil imports from Iraq and Kuwait , an embargo on sales and supplies , and the freezing of aid and investment .
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