Example sentences of "[num] [coord] when " in BNC.

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1 He started at 9.15 , finished just before 12 and when you think how much that time is worth , it says a lot . ’
2 Reid , who lost winning positions on the final day in the Masters and the US PGA , was beaten 3 and 2 and when he bowed out on the 34th green he was nine under par for the day .
3 The distance that had to be covered can be seen in the case of the Primitive Methodists : they had no theological college until 1881 and when the new college in Manchester faced collapse it was only saved by the generosity of Sir William Hartley .
4 You are already aware that the Sports Council very generously grant aided us for 1985 and when you receive your Annual Report you will see that we have a surplus of approximately £7.500 .
5 Thomas Borrow , the author 's father , had been baptised at St. Cleer in 1759 and when of age , apprenticed to a Liskeard maltster named Hambly .
6 Imagine that a razor supplied by manufacturer A in February 1989 is bought from a retailer in June 1991 and when used in July 1991 cuts the user 's face when slid sideways across it .
7 It further reported that membership was over 100 and when it reached 150 , subscriptions would be increased .
8 I want you to do the same for twenty four and you wo n't get it all on one line there 'll be a lot of them and then try it for thirty six and when you 're really happy with twenty four when you 're happy with twelve and you can write all those out quite happily without looking at this try twenty four see if you know see if threes 'll go fives 'll go and sevens and everything else .
9 The overall incidence fell from 18/100000 to 15/100000 but when analysed for site , the incidence of antral tumours fell from 10 to 4.5/ 100000 .
10 The deliveries made to Bridgend and East Kilbride were short of items from order number 7532 but when the customer 's branch accountants at each depot had this shortfall explained each was happy to take delivery and sign for the goods carried , The form of receipt was a simple endorsement on a copy of a letter sent by Swannson-on-Wheels to each branch of Computex -Ltd 's industrial customers giving notice of the scheduled delivery date for the reader printers , etc .
11 A deal of Tony 's documentary work seems to involve some form of danger , ‘ I went to Asia twice ; in 1986 and when the Soviets began their pullout and stayed for a year and a half in Peshawar , Pakistan .
12 He had himself been rising thirty-seven and when The Yellow Chair was put on had passed that age , was older now than Van Gogh , as he had , in the 1940s , realised that he was older than Keats .
13 He was the first English king ( as Irish Catholics still considered him ) to visit the country since Richard III in 1394 and when he entered Dublin on 24 March , with his old friend , Tyrconnel , whom James had created a duke , riding before him , he received a rapturous reception , with bells ringing , girls in white scattering flowers in front of him , and the clergy carrying the host in a monstrance .
14 Anyway to finish that story about stopping and starting , I stopped there for fifty years and me mother was still alive when er when I at ninety three and when I retired in nineteen seventy nine , nineteen eighty I told me mum that I was finishing and she looked at me I told you that job would n't last and I , I , I mean I 'd done fifty years all but a few months .
15 He had tasted action in a raid along the Litani river in Syria against Vichy French forces in June 1941 but when Stirling went to interview him he discovered that Paddy was under close arrest for striking his commanding officer in the mess .
16 Staff at Middlesbrough General Hospital at first tried to induce labour on January 31 but when it became clear Mrs Busuttil , now of West Drayton , London , was not in labour they discontinued their efforts .
17 If S1 is left unpressed then D = 0 and when a clock pulse is given , this will be transferred to Q ( X2 off , X1 on ) .
18 Relief is on a sliding scale and to get maximum relief , you must be aged at least 55 and when selling shares must have owned 25 per cent as a working director for 10 years .
19 It was through his partnership with Bertie Fisher that Meeke 's Opel connections were established in the early Eighties and when the Spanish arm of the operation needed assistance he was asked to take on a supervisory role .
20 George subsequently scored two more hat-tricks for Palace , both at home , against Bournemouth in February 1928 and when Exeter were our visitors in December 1931 .
21 I have a Passap 6000 and when knitting a jacquard pattern with black and white yarns I was having ‘ mispatterning ’ .
22 There 's never anyone there within 20 years of 50 and when people stare at me they 're either thinking I 'm a pervert who 's going to come over and feel their bottom when the band are on or I 'm ‘ that bloke ’ from the radio . ’
23 There 's never anyone there within 20 years of 50 and when people stare at me they 're either thinking I 'm a pervert who 's going to come over and feel their bottom when the band are on or I 'm ‘ that bloke ’ from the radio . ’
24 The he-man was spoilt for sports car choice in the mid '60s but when it came to the crunch he would probably have gone for either the Austin Healey or the AC Cobra .
25 But they say , Draw the graph and then read off , what would the weight the total weight be what is W when N equals fifteen and when N equal nine .
26 It was first employed on the occasion of the Great Reform Bill in 1832 and when it was wheeled out again , in 1909 , Edward VII required an electoral mandate for its use .
27 In fairness to Courier , however , who made his Davis Cup debut long before he became world number one and when others , such as Andre Agassi , were ‘ not available ’ , there is no shortage of patriotism on his part .
28 I 've hardly got any in cos when I left my nursery I got them all to do me one and when I left my school I got a load of them to do me one I did n't get many at the day nursery , but I got a handful .
29 But er the these production investment activities are associated really with production engineering , er very closely aligned with development and erm unless you can do those between now and the end of nineteen ninety five , when we start the P I phase in nineteen ninety six before you can really make any progress you would then have to do a further year and a half of production engineering so in the new quotations Eurofighter are making a case for what they term a development assurance phase , some advance production engineering work starting later this year and going on until the end of ninety five but when we start P I in ninety six , we can start with a bang and make fast progress .
30 The system is called the Arva 8000 and when I get round to absorbing some technical literature on the subject I 'll bring you more news .
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