Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] do " in BNC.

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1 291 made off 366 balls , with 38 fours , in just under eight hours does rather speak for itself .
2 The newer 1:10,000 maps do n't have nearly as much detail .
3 More than 120 authorities do twice as well as that with uncollected rent less than half the level in Bolsover .
4 What can eight songs do that one can not ?
5 In terms of local authorities as suppliers of courses , use made of central training units is wide : only 22 authorities did not say that they used their central training department for some courses , though extent of use ( and availability of courses on offer ) varied widely , from :
6 However , single pairs breed regularly at the Cuckmere estuary and about 12 pairs do so between Rye and the Midrips .
7 Fourteen-year-old RACHEL SEATON was so bored she 'd have rather spent the 30 minutes doing her homework .
8 This was due to two reasons : large group sizes make it very difficult , ‘ you ca n't organize 30 kids to do clay very easily ’ ; that the type of training of the staff was all very similar , but that training was not the real problem , it was group sizes and lack of resources .
9 1.6 6 Universities , 6 Colleges and 2 Polytechnics did not report any Inset courses generally concerned with Language in Education .
10 It suggested that 65 per cent of the country 's top 300 companies did not understand the Government 's economic policies and only 29 per cent thought they understood them .
11 I am 6ft 2ins and stand much further back than his recommended distance of five feet , and from approximately 1- to 12 feet do not ‘ require an exaggerated upward movement of the head ’ .
12 That he has books , videos etc to do — lots of things that would take 30 years to do .
13 She had to face the handicaps of severe diabetes but , true to Greek ideals , she endured them with stoicism ; only on four occasions in 30 years did she break down under these cruel burdens .
14 Attitudes and mentalities fashioned over 30 years did not change overnight .
15 Infants under 2 years do not have a separate baggage allowance .
16 2 ringers do n't make a right , although they might make a mainstream centre left traditional Conservative .
17 Twenty-one suppliers did n't give the maximum permitted levels of contaminants like lead or aluminium in water for comparison with actual levels .
18 It takes 12 Britons to do the work of nine Germans or of eight Japanese , which suggests that a good many more redundancies will have to be declared before British industry is able to compete on the world markets .
19 Consequently , Type 2 patients do not need to assess control quite as frequently as the Type I patients once good glycaemic control has been achieved .
20 He said do n't tell me you want forty Royals do n't you ?
21 They take less than 30 seconds to do and they should be left until the last moment before the cable or rope is attached .
22 Since 12 drawings do n't make a show , I borrowed the title The Non-Objective World , from Malevich and set about preparing for an exhibition of lesser-known artists of the early period ( 1914–24 ) .
23 All except two of these forty women do their ‘ big ’ shopping once a week — that is , stocking up on goods like sugar , flour , etc. — and it is customary to combine this with shopping for the weekend .
24 Now each employee at British Steel needs only 4.8 hours to do the same job .
25 So if you could just spend five or six minutes doing that and could we come back at twenty five
26 Which was good from the point of view that you took thirteen minutes to do the first three and then two minutes to do the last , last three .
27 A further 10 cases did not report gastrointestinal symptoms but presented with non-specific complaints of fatigue and lassitude only and were investigated because of unexplained anaemia .
28 1.7. b ( i ) 12 Universities , 10 Colleges and 7 Polytechnics did not report offering award-bearing Inset courses for language teachers .
29 What 's gone on in the media these past six months does n't mean a thing .
30 So you know , nothing might come of that but if it does erm I would be very keen to actually er the , the plan was to second a member of C S M T for six months to do it , and I would be very keen to do it I must admit .
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