Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 1984 ) often speak of allowing children to ‘ predict their way through the text ’ with their minds focused on meaning , rather than encouraging them to attend to features of print .
2 Rather than helping them " get away from it all " , for many young people the misuse of drugs can add to their problems .
3 Similarly , structural analysis is replaced by deconstruction which also questions its objects rather than reflecting them .
4 These measures would re-connect the living standards of older people with those of society as a whole , rather than allowing them to become more and more detached .
5 This involves a willingness to acknowledge that co-operation can be difficult and that mistakes will occur , and a commitment to making the solving of problems a priority , rather than allowing them to fester .
6 Although controversial , and greatly disliked by the judiciary , this is clearly intended to divert petty persistent offenders away from custody by ruling out custodial penalties for such offenders altogether rather than allowing them to ‘ progress up the tariff ’ .
7 Darlington Labour candidate Alan Milburn ‘ Labour will bring lasting prosperity to Darlington and put people 's talents to use rather than allowing them to go to waste . ’
8 The result of seeing the difference in women 's experiences in positive rather than negative terms — seeing women as having something to offer philosophy rather than seeing them as inferior or aberrant versions of a male norm — is that the contours of familiar conceptual landscapes begin to change .
9 But the men reacted to the women " on the basis of sex solidarity rather than seeing them as part of the working class ' .
10 Jonathan Burnham describes Power Feminism as ‘ a manifesto for a new generation of women , offering a feminism based on powerful roles for women rather than seeing them as victims ’ .
11 In the case of South Africa , this kind of self-esteem has to be sought in deliberately resisting the implications of what is taught rather than accepting them .
12 ‘ Factoring chemicals is obviously a more gentlemanly activity than manufacturing them ! ’
13 Some manufacturers ( particularly of mass-produced goods ) do not take this point , and are happy to replace goods ( it is cheaper than repairing them ) until the buyer is satisfied .
14 Please return them as soon as possible , rather than using them for storage .
15 By the time you 've you 've moved them all rather than drawing them all in again then you run the con activity and swop back .
16 Chasing prey through the tree-tops is much more hazardous than pursuing them along the ground , as this raccoon-hunting puma is discovering ( below ) .
17 So , rather than binning them directly , I am passing them to you ( and your Convocation Office colleagues ) .
18 In fact , when she came to consider , she never felt that there was any reply that she could make to Miss Coldharbour , whose remarks frequently had the air of concluding conversations rather than opening them .
19 Without such a review there is a serious danger that existing documentation problems may simply be automated along with the data , thus perpetuating rather than resolving them .
20 Poststructuralism , which in its own way also takes part in that history of Western Marxism , differs only insofar as it foregrounds the implications of the theoretical difficulties involved rather than repressing them in pursuit of the unrealized ideal .
21 Of course , such a device is doing more than protecting them from an over-exciting adventure ; it is also in a calmer way building up their anticipation of a real mystery .
22 ‘ And that would be quicker than starving them ? ’
23 Smaller people pogo faster , at precisely the increments a physicist would predict from the known properties of springs — although keeping them bouncing long enough to prove this was another challenge for Taylor .
24 It is also good at containing costs and farming out its staff to work on site rather than keeping them in expensive offices of its own .
25 This is much easier than keeping them in piles in a cupboard or closet .
26 Everyone is agreed that looking after patients in the community is a more expensive option than keeping them inside a hospital , where all the facilities are available under one roof .
27 Erm , on entertainment , we 're spending a lot of money on organic growth and have done over the past two or three years and er , it 's very well spent but again , we 're growing our businesses , erm , er , rather than acquiring them .
28 In addition , children who store up all their bad feelings , rather than expressing them , often develop symptoms such as recurrent stomach pains or headaches .
29 They flow around events rather than meeting them head-on .
30 Enhancements to Gemstone include improved cache functions , which enable temporary objects to be held in memory rather than writing them to disk ; disk clustering , and reduced object identification size .
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