Example sentences of "[subord] [vb base] at " in BNC.

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1 I could not have looked out of the window if I had tried , the chores were all done , and there was nothing whatever to do except sit at that table and write .
2 Fifty miles north , Sarah Morgan had just finished serving a lunch that no one had done more than pick at .
3 ‘ I think I 'd rather climb ladders than sit at a checkout . ’
4 So rather than sit at the counter and do it they they have rooms which you can go to and erm get interviewed
5 Er I mean , all I want Win , is something to do for four years than sit at home being a housewife and hang yourself as well !
6 What will they do , other than sit at home and press buttons and send messages to each other ?
7 You can say that three year olds are more like other three year olds than , say , thirty year olds would be like other thirty year olds , and the younger the child the more true that is , so that would be much more true at age a year , assuming that there are n't any physical defects or mental defects , than say at three .
8 You can say that three year olds are more like other three year olds than , say , thirty year olds would be like other thirty year olds , and the younger the child the more true that is , so that would be much more true at age a year , assuming that there are n't any physical defects or mental defects , than say at three .
9 Yeah except look at the pair of you look at the pair of you singing these I mean look at these songs you 're singing this is ridiculous .
10 Its universality as far as human life is concerned depends on when it actually happened , and we can do no more than guess at the date .
11 Nor can we do more than guess at the consequences of the Greek ignorance of Latin .
12 There 's the often quoted comparison with our compatriots overseas that it 's cheaper to go overseas than stay at home , but I think , you know , with the range of accommodation , with the range of holidays now available in this country , I think the industry itself is competing very well and that the more and more people who find that they have n't yet discovered Britain will do so this year .
13 The study of mating systems is more question than answer at present , and the questions may not be well put , but Emlen & oring ( 1977 ) are good on birds .
14 rack for fucking plates , so I put them away and the best way to do it is if sit at the table , you wash and I 'll dry or I 'll dr you er dry and I 'll wash , well what
15 Cos look at I mean in our street , our area alarms going off .
16 yeah , perhaps is n't , cos look at the pain in your frozen shoulder , its pain and yet its nothing broke is there ?
17 He looks like and I , first of all when we saw him I thought who the hell is that , ca n't be a father cos look at him , he looks terrible .
18 Yes , cos remember at the beginning of all this audio description lots a chat about including all that
19 big dinosaurs so I 'd like to show you just how big their faces were because look at the height of that ostrich .
20 I suppose it will come right in the end its taken a long while because look at that lump there
21 Little wonder , really , she acknowledged ruefully — she 'd seen women in the building all but swoon at his feet every time he walked down the corridor .
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