Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Ministers are more subtle , describing the review as ‘ seeking to identify areas where better targeting can be achieved or from which the public sector can withdraw altogether . ’
2 My standard of tennis is at that level where merely returning a serve constitutes a match highlight .
3 ‘ It is great to be involved with them because they are sane , normal human beings in the world of rock 'n' roll , where just finding a sane and normal human being is very hard .
4 One of the problems that can develop through the feeding of wild animals is that of dependency , particularly in the case of those animals which live in urban areas where natural foraging opportunities are few and far between .
5 He made the players feel they belonged to a great club , where even playing in the reserves was all part of an important and worthwhile enterprise .
6 Where even going on the boat , we went from Glasgow from Quay in one of the Line boats and erm it cost erm the cheapest fares were twenty seven pounds ten return .
7 In older working class communities , where neither housing conditions nor wages permitted such total devotion to housewifery , it nevertheless appeared that on the whole standards of housekeeping were high .
8 Table 8 : Children by age and where currently living 1979 and 1985 , Great Britain
9 Although rarely hitting the headlines , the Council continued to work to achieve integration in restricted and less controversial fields .
10 Rose Hilaire had sat stiffly upright , feet together , hands in her lap , refusing a cigarette — ‘ I do n't smoke — ’ although eventually accepting a cup of tea , during the drinking of which her hand was observed to shake .
11 In the visual arts the more immediate appeal of the physical and emotional realities of Gothic replaced the more remote , albeit intensely moving , complexities of Romanesque and Celtic styles .
12 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
13 On the other hand , there are ways in which such a picture is much less than wholly reassuring .
14 Furthermore , to the extent that some doctors , especially those recently trained , see themselves as medical scientists solving problems and dispensing cures , rather than fundamentally caring for their patients , they may , in fact , be guilty of distancing themselves from , if not abandoning , their dying patients .
15 In practice this appeared to mean a break with the French and , like many Americans engaged in day-to-day dealings in Vietnam , Blum 's frustration had reached the point where he would recommend withdrawing US assistance altogether rather than endlessly humouring the French .
16 It becomes a matter of redefining priorities in the short and long term rather than naturally assuming that all change means ‘ bolted-on ’ activity , Once LMS is embedded in the educational culture there is little doubt that resources should be freed as there will be less and less need for central staff to be employed in the day-to-day operational management of schools .
17 No comment is worth making on this bizarre suggestion , except perhaps pointing out to Professor Drife that a beard is n't precisely the right analogy .
18 And what was the attitude over and above , other than obviously coming in and out of work , what was the attitude of the local neighbours and whatnot towards them ?
19 Some twenty years later the District Judge at Kagalla found similar attitudes : ‘ It is a common occurrence for persons to see an animal being driven away under very suspicious circumstances , and yet , although perhaps living within a stone 's throw of the owner , they take no trouble to go and tell him what they have seen , and probably say nothing about it until they meet him looking for his stolen animal , three or four days afterward ; of course then the recovery is hopeless ! ’
20 The acquisition of a stereotype by a subgroup of the population usually works to its detriment , and although perhaps preserving a grain of truth in relation to the subgroup 's activities , it is also misleading for members of the whole population who use the stereotype .
21 Artificial Intelligence research has shown that when the maintenance experts are confronted with a problem they analyse the problem in a structured manner rather than randomly trying all possible alternatives .
22 Their study , although greatly increasing our understanding of tumorigenesis , has provided little information about normal haemopoietic mechanisms .
23 Unfortunately , the major changes in work practices , although greatly improving our efficiency , have meant a reduction in the number of jobs .
24 I think we 're walking round , I think 's probably more , more efficient than perhaps inviting him to a meeting .
25 Although only using watercolour it appears that Green imitates the technique of painting boulders .
26 He found the lieutenant colonel , although only touching fifty , almost impossibly grand .
27 The case was seen as a major defeat for the DEA particularly as , by acquitting the defendant rather than merely dismissing the charges , Rafeedie ensured that Alvarez could never again be tried by a US court for Camarena 's death .
28 Certainly in broadsheet media like the Daily Telegraph , a 35cm × 4 col space is likely to be every bit as good as the far more expensive full page , not least because it is set into news matter , rather than merely facing it .
29 Another way to get the flavour of Japan , but requiring a little more courage than merely eating in a local café , is to stay in a Japanese-style hotel .
30 Oblige , like force , evokes more than merely producing an effect and it too is followed by the to infinitive : ( 164 ) … servants , whom he had obliged to accompany him .
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