Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is a much larger proportion than that found among teenage women , where only about 1 in 3 were cohabiting at the time of the birth .
2 It is no coincidence that the subject refers to an inanimate being in all five sentences where only to is appropriate ( ( 14 ) and ( 17 ) — ( 20 ) ) .
3 A similar situation exists with African migration where especially with the early stages of migration , out-migrants are mostly young adults ( Roberts 1978 ) .
4 A typical example is the 1978 Tremadoc Guidebook comment after the first ascent of Fingerlicker in 1975 , where alone in that guide it was pointed out that the route had only been climbed after two ‘ Yo-Yo 's ’ ( according to the 1975 definition of a Yo-Yo ) .
5 Where once upon a time there had only been fishing boats , now bobbed the magnificent yachts of international millionaires .
6 Following the extensive tour , our visitors joined all the JMSA employees for lunch which was held in a marquee overlooking our soccer field , where later in the afternoon a Wadeville team was to do battle against a team from the Germiston plant .
7 It is the Norah Batty syndrome , if I may be sexist , where far from losing a million people off the register as happened during the last census because of the poll tax , in the next census men will be sent to the shed at the bottom of the garden to keep out of the way .
8 There are others , however , where even after centuries of use this matching is not obviously satisfactory , for example violin playing would seem to be posturally a disaster , but there may be some subtle aids to very precise control of the sound generated in having the source of sound very close to the ear and perhaps some vibration transmission by the direct contact of this instrument and the jawbone .
9 Compare that to the South East , where even in recessionary times , turnover of software staff can be as much as 30% a year .
10 Where then with their pathetic bleatings of contempt , or do n't you go back as far as er .
11 Where earlier in the day had prevailed an exercise in organised pandemonium — the sawing of wood for an extra set buttress , the clanking of lights being swung into position , and everywhere the ringing cacophony of cross conversation — now there is almost a deafening silence , broken only by the odd apologetic cough as the minutes tick towards 8.30 .
12 ‘ We 're encouraging the type of spreadsheet design where instead of having your profit and loss , cash flow and so on all together on one page , you have page one as an index , page two as the balance sheet , page three as the p&l and so forth . ’
13 Let us consider now a somewhat different example where instead of uniform translation the loop rotates in a constant magnetic field .
14 An example of the latter type of shift is shown in figure 13.22 , where instead of time dependence measurements the frequency dependence of the β-relaxation in poly ( vinyl acetate ) has been studied at fixed temperatures in the range 212 to 266 K. A master curve can be constructed for this relaxation region by plotting against , where the ‘ max ’ subscript refers to the peak maximum at each experimental temperature .
15 The answer they came up with was the cash unit trust — where instead of investing in equities , they invest in high interest cash deposit accounts or into a variety of fixed interest securities such as gilts or local authority bonds .
16 A formula has been devised where instead of any attempts at recalling the Scottish parliament , the three parties convene their own summit as a parliamentary forum for debate on issues such as future water and sewerage delivery .
17 There is one place where I can say I am at home , where I can live in peace and quiet with my most beloved father and my dearest sister , where I can do as I like , where apart from the duties of my appointment I am my own master , and where I have a permanent income and yet can go off when I like , and travel every second year …
18 So they do n't say you know it , it 's like in York you 'll have it worse than somewhere like here cos we can see the careers officers running around
19 In a stand-up scenario , as the crazy newsagent , Merton was on form ( although rarely at his very best ) , but put him in one of his sketches and the limitations of his acting are obvious .
20 But he and the Prime Minister saw each other frequently , although rarely on social occasions .
21 The only evidence which seemed at the time to offer any reliable dating was that of the coins which were of sufficient interest to the nineteenth-century antiquarians for them to be recorded , although rarely in detail .
22 Thus Latin American nationalism was coupled , albeit loosely at this stage , to the Marxist bandwagon .
23 Thus , though she had little intention of responding more than politely to any of the advances , she enjoyed the game : it made her feel human .
24 People murmured that this would never have happened in Cromwell 's day , albeit secretly for fear of the authorities .
25 Although staunchly against trade unionists after a strike in 1889 , he introduced profit-sharing schemes for his workforce .
26 No trace of Auchnasheal exists , although somewhere beneath the moss the stones must still lurk .
27 Let us now turn to one of the definitions most favoured in the literature , albeit mostly in an implicit form .
28 That we will keep all information of a confidential nature about [ ] Plc and [ ] Plc 's business and financial affairs which come to our knowledge during negotiations for the sale of the Shares to you confidential and accordingly we will not disclose any such information to any person or use any such information other than wholly in connection with such negotiations except to the extent that it is , already when we receive such information , or becomes thereafter , public knowledge through no fault of any of us .
29 They did a surprisingly brisk trade , although mostly on the little things , the ewers and basins , china dogs , trays of ancient photographs .
30 His immediate superior and his superintendent had departed ten minutes before for a conference at Lewes and he was more than somewhat at a loss .
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