Example sentences of "[subord] [art] man " in BNC.

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1 Her mind was too busy seeing the man who had wearily let her go , not wilfully , as she had always imagined , but finally , for what he thought was her own good .
2 Her trick was to establish during the early part of the evening roughly where the man lived ; then to announce a destination for herself to which he could not suggest accompanying her without seeming over keen .
3 He takes shelter at a Pennine farm where the man 's daily conversational output is ‘ Two more dead i ’ beck ’ and the woman listens to Holly 's soliloquy like a raggedy Miranda , astonished as the sound of a human voice .
4 Rape is only committed where the man has sexual intercourse with the woman without her consent .
5 It is not , then , a question of deciding on the elements of a ‘ defence ’ of mistake , because , where the man is mistaken , this means that he quite simply lacks the fault element required for the offence .
6 Prosecution is thus reserved for the cases in which some unfair advantage has been taken of the girl , particularly where the girl is under 13 ( when lack of proper understanding is assumed ) , where the man is considerably older than the girl , where the man held some position of trust in relation to the girl , and where there is some element of deception involved .
7 Prosecution is thus reserved for the cases in which some unfair advantage has been taken of the girl , particularly where the girl is under 13 ( when lack of proper understanding is assumed ) , where the man is considerably older than the girl , where the man held some position of trust in relation to the girl , and where there is some element of deception involved .
8 The Conservatives have worked to an archaic family structure where the man is seen as the dominant wage earner , despite their uneasy recognition that market forces , with demographic change , are soon going to require skilled female labour .
9 There are also plenty of tasks , although these are now perhaps more common in leisure than in paid work , where the man supplies the muscle power , for example the manual labourer and the active sportsman .
10 The desired family form was a household consisting of a married couple and their children , where the man is the breadwinner and the woman a domestic worker .
11 Where the man was , gone or waiting for him behind the next tree , he had no idea .
12 Pa bought it at Faversham market where the man gave it away for ten pounds .
13 My white of the month is the 1989 Dry Muscat from Portugal 's Joao Pires winery , where the man in charge happens to be an Australian .
14 ‘ We must tread carefully , because my postbag suggests that allegations of rape can arise from previously non-sexual relationships , where the man goes too far and persuades himself in the passion of a moment that ‘ No ’ means ‘ Yes ’ .
15 This possibility needs consideration where the man was well known to the woman and where it is clear that she was not intimidated . ’
16 But we learned that after we had lost sight of the taxi , it had gone to Waterloo station , where the man had caught his train .
17 There were some blankets on a flat stone where the man slept .
18 More of a wallet than a purse , it still lay where the man had dropped it .
19 Oddly enough the worst was his shoulder , where the man had seized it to pull him out of the car .
20 ‘ Surely if it was thrown overboard there was no guarantee that it would finish up on shore where the Man could send someone to fetch it .
21 Health officials at the Countess of Chester Hospital , where the man works , have set up an emergency clinic to carry out skin tests on the youngsters and 500 staff who are known to have come into contact with the man .
22 The upstairs flat where the man died
23 Yes , he said , there were equal rights for Lebanon 's 17 religious communities , freedom of expression for every man and woman be they Muslim or Christian ; it was a land where every man was a friend to the other without distinction .
24 A night of champagne where every man in the room looked like James Dean and Cherry was in his favourite spot : the centre of attention .
25 Boldly going where no man has gone before has brought Brittain success on an unprecedented scale .
26 Captain Kirk will end his boldly going where no man has gone before by becoming an intergalactic monk .
27 Still , when you are boldly going where no man has gone before , you do n't expect cordon bleu .
28 Morton went everywhere , boldly going where no man , except possibly George Borrow , had gone before , and visiting more locations in his tiny motor car than will ever be found in the recorded voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise .
29 It is a tough uncompromising business , and one where a man like White seems curiously out of place .
30 They came with their ideals , found idyllic peace in the countryside , where a man could hardly fail to notice God in the quietness ; said their prayers in one of the fairest little parish churches in all the land ; reacted against , and then threw themselves into the orderliness of quasi-monastic life ; and studied what they wanted , and thought about truth .
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