Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Another outing we enjoyed was to Mayell 's Chocolate Factory , where for $2 you can tour the factory and eat as many of the products as you want .
2 Miss Havisham had died , and left all her fortune to Estella , except for £4000 , which Matthew Pocket inherited .
3 For most of my stillwater legering , except for carp , I favour a fixed paternoster rig .
4 Spread the sponge with the chocolate buttercream , covering all the sponge except for 1cm ( ½inch ) at one short end .
5 The only substantial aid received by the government so far had been $300,000,000 from the United States agreed by the US Congress in May 1990 [ see p. 37450 ] , which had been gradually disbursed , except for $50,000,000 which had been set aside for clearing debt arrears .
6 Follow signs to Newmarket , then follow the signposting to the Museum car park at Tattersalls car park in the Avenue ( except during sales weeks ) .
7 For it sees him changing his mind about the adaptiveness of structural change rather than about species formation as such .
8 But here I am Elsie spending more time writing about a fish than about people .
9 Meanwhile , the state family planning programmes continue to treat women as objects whose fertility needs to be controlled rather than as people who might wish to exercise more control over their lives .
10 The cost of community care for action sample clients is of course higher than for people in the control samples because the cost of support worker time plus a proportion of the time of the development officers was included in the assessment of community service costs at the time of second and third assessments .
11 Furthermore , perhaps we should at least ask whether cremation is not really for the convenience of public health , efficiency , and land conservation rather than for people .
12 For the few people on low incomes who do have credit , paying it off tends to soak up more of their budget than for people with higher incomes .
13 Moreover , there are already other pressures towards monthly budgeting ( such as monthly rent or fuel payments ) ; these pressures are likely to set up more financial strain for people who get their pay weekly and spend it on a weekly basis than for people who get paid monthly .
14 The education and training of Health Care workers should include at least the possibility of working in partnership with people rather than for people , so that the experience of unlearning , deroling and relearning through which the family development nurses had to go in order to work effectively in this way with people , can be avoided .
15 Periods at risk under 40 were obviously shorter for both in migrants and out migrants and deaths than for people permanently resident throughout the study .
16 I 'd rather take the loss myself than for people to get you know rotten stuff .
17 Discipline , therefore , tended to be stricter for manual workers than for staff , immediate penalties more severe , and the amount of discretion allowed both to the employees and their supervisors much more limited .
18 It suggested that the Gardner study 's findings could be due either to chance , or that any link between radiation exposure and childhood cancer could be more indirect than through sperm mutation …
19 It is 1,38 per cent smaller than out hp figure , which is not really significant , but you have to be politically correct these days !
20 Everything I have learnt teaches me that it is only when you work with rather than against people that achievement and lasting success is possible .
21 Residential care may be necessary not simply for the medical emergencies of starvation in anorexia or electrolyte imbalance in both anorexia arid bulimia but also to monitor adherence to the requirements of basic physical abstinence — This monitoring commonly may need to extend to patients initially being on " locked bathroom " status so that they may not use baths , basins or showers except under staff supervision , nor may they flush lavatories until after staff inspection .
22 When it comes to choosing cavalry you have fewer options than with infantry but you are still spoiled for choice compared to most armies .
23 except in people 's eyes ;
24 Changes are usually evident in both , although in sheep which have just undergone " self cure " ( see below ) or are in a terminal stage of the disease , the bulk of the worm burden may have been lost from the abomasum .
25 The " healing " is therefore done between sufferers rather than from staff to patients and is the equivalent of the group insight and support that comes in the Anonymous Fellowships .
26 Second , the revenues obtained by bureaus come wholly or substantially from grants made by the sponsoring authority rather than from sales .
27 Roger Short , of the Medical Research Council 's Reproduction Research Unit in Edinburgh , had predicted that in species where females mate with more than one male during a reproductive cycle , the males would have larger testes for their body size than in species whose females had only a single mate per cycle .
28 Progress was greater , for example , with developing management systems than with defining objectives , decentralization was developed more readily in field offices than in headquarters and policy divisions , and performance measurement applied more easily to inputs than outputs , and to administrative rather than programme expenditure .
29 The fronds or stems are slightly shorter than in N. graminea or N. microdon .
30 For the twenty-three years after 1950 , the list was run by Miss Mary Bruce , a caricature white-haired Whitehall spinster more interested in horses than in people and who scared the pants off all who worked with her .
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