Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Programme variables where referred to at all are stated in gross terms .
2 Fitch reckons that not all bond insurers deserve the top rating ; those that do , it believes , suffer because investors do not trust the triple-As assigned to the insured debt by Moody 's and S&P .
3 In solid floors , pipes can be laid in an underfloor duct ( not embedded in concrete ) ; note that all pipes and joints should be accessible and , where exposed to cold temperatures , well insulated .
4 A spectacular display of exotic and native creatures awaits you at The Living World , where according to season , fascinating living exhibits include giant silkmoths , tropical butterflies , praying mantids , tarantulas , bees , marine and fresh water aquaria and much more .
5 In formal situations roles can clearly give people special rights , but even in conversation — where according to our definition unequal power is suspended — it is unlikely that knowledge of participants ' social office or status will be wholly forgotten .
6 If it is still stable at temperatures in excess of 100 K above T g , the temperature dependence has an exponential form where according to the Eyring rate theory ΔH is the activation enthalpy of viscous flow and is a more representative parameter than the energy .
7 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
8 France boasts a rich and varied tradition of film-making where going to the cinema is an accepted part of people 's cultural and intellectual lives .
9 This is particularly evident where funding to agencies depends on clients served .
10 And they worry that they will be asked to make a contribution if the WIPers use up the DM600 million now allocated to the programme .
11 The great anti-Establishment provocateur of the Sixties now reduced to a gibbering wreck ?
12 Our results would support this viewpoint as men where found to be more lateralised than women and they have poorer language ability , but superior visual ability .
13 Where left to their own devices as to choice of subject , and bearing in mind the possibility of their being illiterate , they took subjects that were pagan in origin such as The Green Man which is a growth and fertility symbol .
14 The next step was to turn the feasibility study into a detailed business plan which would be presented in a share prospectus aimed at attracting the target £6.5 million now estimated to be needed to launch a paper selling between 800,000 and 1.1 million copies .
15 Erm , I er have never known such a question asked in this council chamber where referring to members of parliament er in in er and that is why I did n't feel it necessary
16 The PROFITBOSS pro-acts his way to profit rather than reacting to potential loss .
17 If you are a well-known personality , attractive looking and charming , you will find your task much easier : people tend to respond to such individuals rather than reacting to the content of their message .
18 He freely admits the increasing extravagance of the average suburban wedding has more to do with keeping up with the girl in the semi next door than sticking to tradition .
19 She was beset by the realization that she desired nothing more than to go to the Hall as Anne Mowbray 's companion .
20 the evidence that we 've found out already from C H C is that the operation of the N H S reforms has restrictive patient choice because crucially those referrals to London teaching hospitals which used to made as a matter of course if treatment is unable er , unavailable in Harlow have actually been largely stopped , I got the detailed figures from the purchasing director erm er , recently in the C F C minutes and it shows a miniscule number of patients being referred to London teaching hospitals erm , and this is clearly the reason as this points out in this paper that London teaching hospitals are in serious financial problems and four of them , indeed are being threatened with closure by the Tomlinson report and I think many patients in Harlow would much rather as er , people have pointed out , go to er , Middlesex and U C H , should they still exist than to go to Colchester and er , but this is this a key question , so on the the basis of the this consortium does n't meet those criticisms indeed , make the situation worse I move that we oppose it in principle that Vince reports on that line .
21 If diarrhoea is described in some particular terms rather than others ( e.g. if it described as empacho ) the patient is more likely to consult a traditional practitioner than to go to a health clinic .
22 Back at the hotel , after finally conceding that there was no way out of her financial dilemma other than to go to work for G.W. Fashions , Lisa had demanded , as Vass had sat there drinking coffee , oblivious of the callous blow he had inflicted , ‘ So , how long is this arrangement supposed to last ?
23 However , since she needed to fill her time until his return , what better way than to go to the capital city , and spend some days taking a look round ?
24 I 'd sooner come to Cheltenham than to go to a holiday abroad .
25 The national worry quota was already more than filled to overflowing by football hooligans and all those disturbing goings-on in the soap operas .
26 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the case breaks new ground , that he acted at all times on legal advice and that wise counsel should permit the case to go before the House of Lords rather than rush to judgment now ?
27 After the introduction of Nicholas ( 3190 – 220 ) we turn back to the carpenter , of whom , too , we are instantly given details making him a perfect fabliau character : he is married , newly and ill-matchedly so , and thus perhaps green and inexperienced as well as old and jealous : The fabliau formulae themselves produce an unjust stereotyping in this case , as the carpenter 's jealousy , although referred to again by Alison ( 3294 ) , is nowhere evident in his words or actions in the tale .
28 Rather than pandering to these fading fans ( and perhaps building up false expectations ) , the good Dr David Marsh has opted for the cattle-prod technique beloved of third division no-hopers .
29 Although intended to further curtail local government expenditure — by requiring authorities to meet any unforeseen expenditure from existing budgets — the effect may well have been to persuade local authorities to set high initial rates ( to provide adequate balances to meet unexpected contingencies or loss of income ) .
30 Walker 's appointment as reader ( upgraded to professor in 1860 ) was significant , for he was the first to hold the post in its own right , rather than annexed to a professorship in another subject .
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