Example sentences of "[v-ing] about the " in BNC.

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1 And what he said , prophesying about the future , saying what would happen in the future in this case .
2 There is increasing conflict between the church and state funding and we need to free ourselves from wingeing about the cuts .
3 One was a complicated case in which the client had a number of relatives living nearby , who were said to be always arguing with each other ( including about the client 's care ) .
4 For the past 30 years Aegina has been producing about the best pistachios in the world .
5 What a load of old cobblers … dare n't tell you what Hereford supporters were singing about the ref tho … to the first division now … a draw for Oxford … defeat for Swindon
6 Glasgow has marketed itself as a city which rejoices in diversity , but will it be singing about the first homosexual festival ?
7 In the British case ( and Saunders makes it clear that he is generalising about the home in British society ) the best way in which the occupant of a house can acquire ontological security is through being its owner .
8 He frowns , and curls his beard round his fingers , gazing about the room .
9 phoning about the disco .
10 Flavia spent most of her day puzzling about the stranger .
11 PREACHING about the dangers of the Ecstasy drug wo n't stop youngsters trying it .
12 Not realizing that they were pr preaching about the glory that been .
13 And you 'd hear the tracer bullets rattling about the tin sheds .
14 Mallards , coots and moorhens could often be seen and heard waddling about the housing estate where I lived or sometimes even boldly marching up the high street .
15 THERE was something particularly touching about the picture of murdered teenager Johanna Young that dominated newspaper front pages this week .
16 She spent more and more time off her eggs , parading about the yard , cackling as if demented and taking sudden rushes in whatever direction she happened to be facing when each fit of frenzy overcame her .
17 At first I heard only a few calls ; within ten minutes , at least twice as many animals were calling , and , by circling about the pool , I observed that a steady stream of spadefoots was coming from all directions to the breeding area .
18 All you did was sit round like some old colonel in an Agatha Christie book , bellowing about the country going to the dogs .
19 Next came a pair of thick socks wrinkling about the ankles , and then what seemed to be a pair of men 's shoes .
20 However , I did actaully sorta enjoy singing ‘ On the dole , on the dole , on the dole ’ , as Turnip was whinging about the non sending off incident .
21 Mothers are all right , I suppose , you 'd miss them fussing about the place , but ould fellows are like that hind tits of a cow – no good for use or ornament .
22 The thought of Harriet fussing about the Rectory held little charm for her brother-in-law .
23 Manucci 's account of Mughal India is as full of gossip as Bernier 's , but the precarious manner in which he chose to live his life meant that his book has rather more action in it : rather than fussing about the relative merits of Parisian and Mughal architecture , he fights as an artilleryman in the Mughal civil war , has his caravan ambushed by bandits , battles with a pressgang and is finally besieged in a fort on an island in the Indus .
24 In a very short time , the two of them , together with Mrs Diggory , were fussing about the dog in the library , with bowls of warm water , blankets , an old sheet torn in strips , and even some milk laced with laudanum unearthed from the late Lady Merchiston 's store of medicines in the attics .
25 Insufferably put , and probably not his own thought but something he has read , out of one of his damned French books that his father loathed seeing about the place — he had a phenomenal memory for things he had read .
26 Dorothea wiped her eyes and blew her nose and looked around her , at the overcoated figures , huddled and sneezing about the table-tennis table under the Vestry lights .
27 He soons starts squawking and wiping his eye and stamping about the place but if he 's like that all the while to them so what is .
28 On reflecting about the activities of the last year I looked up enterprise in ’ Roget 's Thesaurus ’ .
29 They both went galloping about the pinnacles like mad things .
30 The angle between the models is in this case preserved , indicating that they have been operated on as if they were a single model rotating about the origin .
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